View Full Version : Mais um motivo pra Nao Usar O INTERNET EXPLORER

23-03-2003, 19:20:48
Pois é, depois dessa, alguem ainda vai continuar a usar ?



23-03-2003, 19:40:16
Maldição! :)

23-03-2003, 20:01:47
Æ Manthrax, nota 10 pra ti ahuauhauhauhauahauhuahuahuhauhauhauhauhauhauhauhahua

23-03-2003, 20:10:20
Originalmente enviada por HolySin
Maldição! :)

Essa frase foi patenteada por minha empresa (Bogungas Corporation)

Vc acabou de cometer uma violação de direitos autorais

Meus advogados irão procurar os seus.......

23-03-2003, 20:16:02
Aow abri aqui (opera) ficou so uma caixa de como c fosse ler uma imagem mas nao le...

que porra eh esse? caiu?

23-03-2003, 22:07:59

beijunda Manthrax!

23-03-2003, 22:41:39
Originalmente enviada por Pacote2k3
Aow abri aqui (opera) ficou so uma caixa de como c fosse ler uma imagem mas nao le...

que porra eh esse? caiu?

Não pacote... é que essa página, através de uma das n falhas do explorer, abre o seu driver de cdrom... chegou a dar susto na hora que eu abri a página :p

23-03-2003, 22:50:40
nota 9,5
po levei um susto aqui qdo os dois drives abriram hehe:eek:

23-03-2003, 23:10:14
Pois é.... Opera tá imune nessa pegadinha ai Pacola.... já o IE
Tsc Tsc


Mandem pra alguem que esteja queimando um CD ou ouvindo um cd de musica hauahu Qui maldade

23-03-2003, 23:39:50
HeHe vo abri amanha nao quero dar susto no meu irmao :cool:

24-03-2003, 01:48:48
caraca, axei q o pc tava explodindo...

24-03-2003, 03:08:45
Estranho, aqui não aocnteceu nada, provavelmente porque eu já baixei o IE com o Service Pack 1 dele........

No Netscape é claro q nada aconteceu

24-03-2003, 05:15:11
Aí vão mais 101 motivos de uma só vez, comparando as incapacidades dele frente ao novo e todo poderoso Mozilla 1.3, lançado a pouco tempo


Aí vai os 23 primeiros e mais importantes


Tabbed browsing

Lets you display more than one site in a window using multiple tabs. You can open a new tab by selecting Navigator Tab from the New submenu of the File menu (or press Ctrl+T). You can also open a link in a new tab by using the right-click menu. You will find configuration options in the Tabbed Browsing preferences panel.

Note that CrazyBrowser is a different product than IE.

Popup blocking

Block all those popup ads. To disable popup windows, select Advanced and then Scripts & Plugins from the Preferences window. Then uncheck the box that reads "Open unrequested windows".

Prevent scripts from doing various things

You can prevent scripts from moving windows, closing them, changing the status bar and setting cookies. To change these settings, select Advanced and then Scripts & Plugins from the Preferences window. Then uncheck the desired boxes.

Site Navigation toolbar

Displays content from the <link> tags provided by a document, allowing one to navigate to various parts of a site.


The sidebar provides a number of tabs by default, and others can be added by the user.

Can add custom panels to sidebar

Custom sidebars can be implemented in HTML or XUL and can be installed from a remote site without much hassle. Sites can add sidebars using the window.sidebar.addPanel() function.

More control over text zooming

Can zoom text to any size. IE only supports five sizes and has no keyboard shortcut that I could determine. For sites that use fairly small fonts, having more larger sizes in necessary for those without perfect vision.

Note that using the mouse isn't a keyboard shortcut.

Can zoom any text, even that with fixed pixel sizes

Can zoom text no matter what units were specified, an often cited issue with IE.

Can select from multiple stylesheets provided by page

When a page provides multiple (or alternate) stylesheets, one can select between them by choosing from the Use Style sub-menu in the View menu.

Page info dialog

Provides additional information about encoding, MIME type, referrer and meta tags. Some of this information is also available in IE's properties dialog although it isn't as detailed and the window isn't resizable.

Detailed form/link/media info dialog

The page info dialog provides tabs which have lists of the form elements, links, images and other media in a page. You can even preview images and save them from this window.

Save plugins

Mozilla saves plugins when saving a Web page as complete. You can also save them from the Page Info window.


Provides two themes by default (Classic and Modern), but others may be installed.

There is a theming system that is part of Windows XP, however this isn't supported by Microsoft. It also isn't part of any other version of Windows. Mozilla's themes work on all versions of Windows and on all platforms; you can change your theme by selecting Apply Theme from the View menu.

Bookmark window displays more detail

Displays more information about the bookmark in the bookmark window. IE's favorites dialog is a bit awkward and is modal, which means you can't interact with the browser window while it is open. You also cannot add bookmarks from the window.

Bookmark keywords

Keywords to look up bookmarks quickly. Keywords have the advantage that the part entered after the keyword is filled in where '%s' appears in the bookmarks's URL.

Bookmarks can be checked at a certain schedule

One can set bookmarks to be checked at various schedules and notify when the content has changed. At least, in theory. IE has something like this, which is intended for synchronizing content for offline viewing. It can only check once per day, and provides no notification that the page has changed other than changing the icon or sending an email. Mozilla can check updates on certain days only and at any interval.

Cookie Manager

The cookie manager lets you view the cookies that have been set, their values and their expiry times.

Some people have mentioned that one can view Cookies by pressing a View Files button in the Options, but that just provides a list of all cached files. While the list does include cookies, hidden amongst the other files, it isn't tailored to cookies (it is just a generic file listing), so one cannot really view the data or expiry times easily.

Can delete cookies individually

The cookie manager lets you delete individual cookies without having to search around your file system. In IE's file view, it's tricky to distinguish cookies from similar domains, and all cookies from the same domain are stored in the same file.

Block images from third party sites

One can block images that come from a third party domain. This means that you can block images found on a page that come from a site other than that of the page. To set this in Mozilla, open Privacy & Security from the Preferences Window, and then select the Images panel. Choose "Accept images that come from the originating server only".

Can block images from certain sites

Images can be blocked from particular domains, such as those that commonly display ads. You can disable an image from a site by right-clicking on an image, and then selecting "Block images from this Server". You can change the list of blocked images from the Image Manager, opened from the Tools menu.

Download Manager

The download manager provides a tabular view of all of the files that you have ever downloaded, allowing you to open them without having to search around on your file system. It provides progress indicators in the window as items download.

On the topic of downloading files, IE does not begin to download a file until you have selected where to save it to, while Mozilla begins as soon as the link is clicked, downloading in the background while you are selecting a place to save it.

Can pause downloads

In Mozilla, one cause pause downloads. Some people may find this useful during long downloads.

24-03-2003, 13:05:12
caramba.... essa foi pesada mesmo!!!! :(

25-03-2003, 02:46:29
HUAHAUAHUAH AQUI TA COM O IE e nao aconteceu nadaaaaaa!!!

ps: o pc do trampo nao tem cd-rom :D :)