View Full Version : SW Kotor em DVD ????

26-07-2003, 04:46:45
retirado do forum da nforce:

From a preview on pc.ign.com:

"With all the content in the game -- including 20,000 lines of fully-voiced dialogue -- you can expect the game to ship on about four CDs. Mike said LucasArts is looking into a possible DVD-ROM release, but that they had to do more research first to see how many gamers have DVD drives. If everything goes as planned, you can expect to play KOTOR on your PC this November, DVD-ROM drive or not."

por: psyklaw

acho poco provavel q lancem em DVD,o q podem fazer é optar pelas 2 solucoes mas q vao ser no minimo 3 cd's isso com certeza vai

26-07-2003, 04:59:39
Mein Gott! Q esse negócio de DVD não se concretise! Eu não tenho DVd player e tava com muita vontade de jogar isso!!!:eek: