
View Full Version : Bots para RTCW?

06-02-2002, 02:02:03
Alguém já tentou os Bots no modo Multiplayer do RTCW?
Não estou conseguindo....já habilitei esta possíbilidade pelo console mas tem que definir as caracteristicas dos Bots:
Nome, nívil, sei lá mais o que.........

06-02-2002, 08:46:43
aonde vc puxou estes bots?

06-02-2002, 21:59:57
Na verdade eu não puxei.....existe esta possibilidade (quero dizer de se acrescentar os "Bots"), atraves de alguns comandos no console do game:Console Commands
Press '~' key to bring down the console.
Type /cmdlist to show all commands.

/name to change your player name. You can change the color of individual characters using the ^# (where # is 1-9) command as follows:

1 Red
2 Green
3 Yellow
4 Blue
5 Light Blue
6 Pink
7 White
8 Black
9 Red

For example, to make your name look like: GSLiono, you would use the command, /name ^2G^3S^6Liono.

Reconnect to last server.



Shows current server settings.

/toggle r_fullscreen
Will toggle between windowed and full screen mode. You must restart the game each time it's changed.

/toggle cg_drawcompass
Toggles the compass on or off.

/toggle cg_draw2d
Toggle HUD on-off.

/toggle cg_drawfps
Show or hide FPS.

Change Field of View. Experiment with as desired.

/toggle cg_drawtimer
Show time left.

/toggle cg_gibs
Toggle gibs.

/toggle cg_drawteamoverlay
Toggle team overlays.

Server Admin Commands

/map restart
Reset map.

/sv_maxclients ##
Set the max number of players that can connect.

/timelimit ##
Set time limit to ## minutes.

/kick player_name
Kicks the player from the server.

/g_friendlyFire #
Sets friendly fire to either off 0 or on 1.

Force even teams.

/g_warmup ##
Set warm up time to ## secs.

/g_gravity ###
Sets gravity to ###. Lower = less gravity.

/g_speed ###
Sets movement to ###. Lower = slower

06-02-2002, 22:04:25
kra, isto é pro multiplayer
nem pire loco
este eskema de ^#ZUmbido e tals
é pra por cor no nick
nem pire locooooooooooooooo
cuekinha, huaehuaehuaehuea

06-02-2002, 22:09:28
Bem eu não cheguei a ler tudo não mas li algumas coisas e não vi nada de bot :P