View Full Version : Novo video do Stalker

02-03-2004, 22:28:13
Bem, como sei que tem varios fas deste super jogao que todos deviam estar ansiando em jogar, saibam que tem um novo video de 120mb disponivel na Gamershell pra pegar! ;)

THQ has released a new (massive) movie of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl, offering two minutes and a half of high res in-game footage (800x600, DivX) for this upcoming tactical FPS in the works at GSC Game World. The game will released in Q2 2004.

The Trailer is 120MB in size and can be downloaded from GamersHell (http://www.gamershell.com/download_5248.shtml)

02-03-2004, 22:53:26
ui q lindo! ufa! Nunca se tem suficientes infos sobre este jogo quanto queremos! :D

Dois minutos de demonstracoes das armas do jogo, e juro que nunca vi modelos de armas tao reais! E incrivel! Da pra ver o inventorio tb, e como se adicionam mods as armas, tipo silenciador e mira!

Ah, e sempre e bom ver porcos mutantes sendo explodidos! arf! :p

screens do jogo aqui se alguem nao viu nenhuma ainda:

Uma atualizada sobre a previsao de lancamento:

Since the games developers conference RGDC, a.k.a. KRI, in Moscow, rumours about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. being released on 09-26-04 spread in the Russian community. In contrast to other fansites we do not report about every little mention of the release date on for instance online games stores as they are mostly wrong and lead to confusions in the community. The developers and THQ have told us when to approximately expect the release and we should stick to that albeit that it may change.

After the rumours spread, we contacted the head-quarters of THQ USA und they confirmed that these were in case just rumours. It is very difficult to talk about an exact date of release at the moment, because of the stage the game is at.

The guys at GSC are working very hard to offer a top quality product. Therefore, only a time-frame can be stated in which the game is supposed to be due. The time-frame is the fiscal year of THQ which goes from March 2004 to March 2005. GSC has this time-frame at their disposal and they can decide when they believe the game to be ready to be released. It is worthless to discuss and speculate as we are not yet ready to talk about exact dates. We should make do with these information that are given.
O jogo, entao, podera sair em qq momento enrte marco deste ano e o ano que vem, mas acho eu que um jogo com a complexidade que promete o Stalker, que nem pra Marco do ano que vem vamos ter ele....

Calendario para o mes de marco! woot!:
olhem que lindo!