View Full Version : Se preparem para os novos drivers ATI ANIMAIS!!!

09-04-2002, 17:50:34
Aow ja lançou pro windows 2000 e nao vejo a hora de lnaçaram pro XP
Aqui vao as primeiras impressoes do cara que mais manda drivers beta la pra rage3d hehehe ele conseguie os drivers com a ATI e faz o favor de disponibilizar para o publico

Texto retirado de um forum na Rage3d.com

6058 XP Info and First Impressions!!!
Well...it seems like ATI was good to us by dropping another developer driver set today. As usual, I will update you all on my first impressions on the XP release of the 6058 set. Unfortunately, I only use XP so I cannot comment on the 9x nor the 2K set.

Driver Info:

Date: March 31, 2002 (vs. March 10, 2002 for the 6052 set)
Product Version: 7.70-020331x-xxxxxxx-ATI (up from the 7.69 in the 6052 set)
2D Version:
Advanced Desktop Utilities: (up from 2535 in the 6052 set)
D3D Driver Version: 3280
OGL Version: 3062

Benchmark/Game Impressions:

3D Mark 2001SE: up 100 points (conclusion....the same as the 6052 set due to margin or error)

GLExcess: up 108 points from the 6052 set. Scene 5's max fps increased by 20+fps on my rig...a nice boost there

XP Bench 1.03: 47 (no change here form the 6052 set)

Ghost Recon: noticed between 10-15fps increase on certain levels. The graphics seem a lot smoother compared to the 6052 set.

Overall, the 2D is FANTASTIC!!! It has greatly improved over the 6052 set I was running. My desktop seems a lot crisper and the windows seem to open and close much quicker...less lag (if you wanna call it lag... )

Anyways...I will be testing out the DVD functions soon and will report on the findings!

Will be back!!!

P.S. I do not get the "win key" BSOD with this set...then again, I never got it either with any other driver set including the 6052 set. I figure I would state this since many are asking about it. I just tried Ghost Recon and the win-key works fine. This might, however, be an OGL thing...

EDIT: MMC 7.6 works flawlessly. DVD looks great and VCD is good too. This too is similar to the 6052 set.

PS: Simplesmente ANIMAL!!!

09-04-2002, 20:18:24
acho q ninguem vai sentir tanto as diferenças como eu

12-04-2002, 02:11:44
Ei pacote, vc usa winxp? O Drivers pro xp são bons? tipo devo pegar radeon 8500 daqui a 2 semanas no máximo, se eu quiser instalar o winxp vou perder mt doq usar o 98 que já estou?

12-04-2002, 02:41:22
CAra falem que o 98 eh mais rapido pra jogo
eu pus o 98 dia desses (faz tempinho) pra testar e perdi frames no medal of honor ao ivez de ganhar
o Xp pra mim eh muito mais estavel
nao troco mais
os drivers 6058 ja consertaram um problema que tinha ao tocar dvd's com aceleração de hardware e ta mais rapido os jogos

12-04-2002, 03:29:22
Oh cara legal, acho que vc tá marcando... já saiu o 6058 pra XP tb, já até instalei... Meu 3DMark2001 SE pulou de 8603 para 8768.

ATI Radeon Beta Windows XP (http://www.warp2search.net/download.php?op=getit&lid=228)

12-04-2002, 12:12:47
esse driver novo realmente ta animal......
se meu pc nao tivesse dando problemas com o WindowsXP eu instala ele.....

12-04-2002, 13:22:12
esses ai server pra 7500 tbm?

12-04-2002, 13:40:03
Oh cara legal, acho que vc tá marcando... já saiu o 6058 pra XP tb, já até instalei... Meu 3DMark2001 SE pulou de 8603 para 8768.

ATI Radeon Beta Windows XP
sim mas era exatamente desse driper do XP que estavamos falando