View Full Version : os 10 games mais/menos violentos do ano segundo a ICCR

24-11-2004, 12:41:14
a ICCR(Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility) baseada em uma lista de argumentos(idiotas claro) e restricoes, elegeu os 10 games mais violentos do ano e os 10 mais recomendados, saquem só:

1. As the holiday shopping season begins, we come together as citizens, consumers and investors concerned about the marketing of a culture of violence in a season where "peace and goodwill toward all" are principal themes. We are especially concerned about the marketing of violent entertainment, particularly violent video games, to children.

2. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, violence (homicide, suicide, and trauma) is the most prevalent health risk for children and adolescents.

3. One factor contributing to violence is entertainment media products such as violent video games. Years of research have shown that viewing entertainment violence can lead to increases in aggressive attitudes, values and behavior, particularly in children. Research on violent interactive media indicates that it has a strong and more lasting effect on violent behavior.

4. Video games have emerged as a popular form of entertainment, with 70% of children living in a home with at least one video game player, and 33% with one in their bedrooms. $7 billion were spent in the United States in 2003 on video and computer games.

5. We wish to speak today to corporations in the video game industry, and to adults who will be purchasing video games as holiday gifts for children.

6. We believe that corporations in the video game industry, who may pride themselves as good corporate citizens with an interest in promoting healthy communities, must assume greater responsibility in ensuring that violent interactive entertainment is not accessible to children and youth.

7. We ask companies to consider what messages are being sent to children and youth when they market certain video games that promote violence and gender and racial stereotyping. For example, the Federal Trade Commission's July 2004 study expressed a concern about advertisements promoting Mature-rated games (for ages 17 and older) in publications oriented toward younger children. We believe this type of marketing must end.

8. While a number of retailers have made efforts to restrict the sale of inappropriate games to children, we are not satisfied with the results. The Federal Trade Commission's "Mystery Shopper Survey" in 2003 found that 69% of children were able to purchase Mature-rated games in retail stores. A New York City Council Investigation Division investigation in 2003 revealed that 97% of the time, "a young person can walk into almost any store selling video games in New York City and purchase games that encourage and reward them for performing acts of violence and brutality that include beating women, shooting cops and committing racially motivated acts of violence." The report concluded: "Retailers must make a real commitment to keeping video games with graphic violence or strong sexual content out of the hands of children." And we add to that conclusion teenagers as well.

9. We call on the marketers and sellers of video games to:

· Develop standards for marketing video games that encourage/reward players for performing acts of violence and brutality, and that depict images demeaning to women and minorities.
· Prevent minors from purchasing/renting M-rated games by separating these from other games so that parents can shop for products appropriate for their children.
· Evaluate and report on their enforcement and compliance programs of policies to prevent minors from purchasing violent video games.

10. We urge those who purchase video games for children, or allow children to purchase such games, to do so with great care. While the game software industry finances a rating system through the work of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB), we are not convinced that parents can completely depend on its accuracy. Some parents' concept of what is acceptable for children and teens may not be the same as that of the ESRB. A study by Dr. Kimberly Thompson of the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that "physicians and parents should be aware that popular Teen-rated video games (ages 13 and older) may be a source of exposure to a wide range of unexpected content" including games that involve intentional violence, such as rewarding or requiring players to kill.

11. We encourage parents to exercise their power as consumers and hold retailers accountable for the way that violent video games are marketed and sold. Parents can visit retailers and find out how they display the games and how stores enforce the current ratings system. They can urge retailers to stop selling violent games or at the very least separate them from child-friendly ones. They can advocate by writing to companies and letting them know their concerns about the marketing of violent entertainment media.

They can find out what their internet service providers are doing to prevent children from purchasing or playing violent video games online.

12. Finally, we wish to name several games whose scenes of violence, gender and/or racial stereotyping are such that we would urge parents to avoid purchasing them. Some of the best-selling games of special concern are all versions of: Grand Theft Auto; Halo; Half-Life; Doom; Manhunt; and Hitman.

13. We are hopeful that with increased awareness and the empowerment of citizens, consumers and investors, the marketing of violence will decrease and the video game industry will be held accountable to create a positive system for people to enjoy age-appropriate video games.


1. Doom 3
2. Grand Theft Auto: “San Andreas"
3. Gunslinger Girls 2
4. Half Life 2
5. Halo 2
6. Hitman: Blood Money
7. Manhunt
8. Mortal Combat
9. Postal 2
10. Shadow Heart


1. Antigrave
2. EyeToy
3. Jak 3
4. Karaoke Revlution Vol. 3
5. Madden NFL 2005
6. Mario Power Tennis
7. Prince of Persia
8. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
9. SimCity 4

nem precisa falar nada né?
o legal é citarem o Bloody Money q nem saiu ainda eheheheheh

bom, postei aqui pq acho q tem tudo haver para uma discussao saudavel mas se for mais conveniente mover pro boteco ta blz

24-11-2004, 13:03:02
estranhei msm o Blood Money ali , achei q tinha saido e eu q num tinha nem visto!!

Hitman jah eh tradição aki!!joguei todos!eu e meu irmão zeramos todos!!

agora esse MORTAL COMBAT eh oq eu to pensando??o mk1 q tinha sub-zero,shang-tsung,goro????


Kiko Rigatti
25-11-2004, 10:49:14
agora esse MORTAL COMBAT eh oq eu to pensando??o mk1 q tinha sub-zero,shang-tsung,goro????


olha eu acho q eles taum falando do novo Mortal Kombat deception acho q eh o nome.. afinal eh a lista dos mais violentos do ANO :rolleyes:

25-11-2004, 11:44:29
Se era pra colocar algum jogo de esporte na lista, pq colocaram justo o madden2005 que é só pancadaria... hehe. Devia colocar o NBA2005 que esse ano está mais legal.

25-11-2004, 11:52:09
faltou colocar o tetris e paciência nos não violentos!! qual é esse hitman? é novo?

25-11-2004, 12:01:17
Acho q eles quiseram dizer "Hitman Contracts"

25-11-2004, 12:18:06
acho q o unico msm q poderia se considerar violencia seria o MK... se bem q vc da altas risadas com o game... nem Doom3 é violento... da uns par de sustos mas naum é tão violento...

25-11-2004, 13:46:33
acho q o unico msm q poderia se considerar violencia seria o MK... se bem q vc da altas risadas com o game... nem Doom3 é violento... da uns par de sustos mas naum é tão violento...

onde ta soldier of dortune? mais violenet que esse é dificil

25-11-2004, 16:49:36
pow manhunt em violencia eh legal dah pra matar os carinhas de cada maneira mais brutal q a outra, mas eh um pessimo jogo

Kiko Rigatti
26-11-2004, 09:18:24
pow manhunt em violencia eh legal dah pra matar os carinhas de cada maneira mais brutal q a outra, mas eh um pessimo jogo

Eu joguei o demo e naum achei ruim naum....

26-11-2004, 09:57:44
Eu joguei o demo e naum achei ruim naum....

eu achei pessimo pq ele enjoa muito rapido pq vc naum faz nada muito diferente

26-11-2004, 10:03:58
onde ta soldier of dortune? mais violenet que esse é dificil

Cara o Soldier Of The Fortune realmente é muito violente mesmo, porem não é deste ano acho que por isso não colocaram na lista, mas que é violento isso é.

26-11-2004, 11:36:44
Soldier of Fortune II tinha que encabeçar a lista... arranca a cabeça dos carinhas, ver o sangue jorrar... é sanguinario...

27-11-2004, 00:33:31
Manhunt eh 7o?????? ta certo q eh uma merda!! mas o jogo eh poooooooko violento hehehe!
deveria tah em 3o pelo menos!

27-11-2004, 12:06:01
porra, da onde que Postal 2 é menos violento que Doom 3? O cara simplesmente TIRA a cabeça dos cidadão fora com uma pá! hauhuiahea.. me diverti com esse jogo

28-11-2004, 23:34:19
Ah....gente...eu acho q msmo q não tenha nenhum Resident Evil novo (eu acho),ele tb poderia entrar nessa lista de games mais violentos.....Carmageddon tb eh outro....

02-12-2004, 14:38:35
Embora existam erros com o nome dos games, Mortal "C"ombat com "C" ficou ridículo, ... e ordem tbm, acho q os caras estao certos ... as crianças e adolescentes (- 17) tem acesso muito fácil a games q foram até mesmo banidos em certos países ... o q o texto diz é para os pais ficarem espertos e nao confiarem apenas na ESRB ratings ... e cuidarem quando comprar jogos para crianças e adolescentes.
concordo ... apesar de gostar de games violentos, e também tenho idade pra eles ;-)

02-12-2004, 15:23:47
Ora e painkiller??....Ele é um jogo "muito" recomendado para crianças nao?...!hehe

05-12-2004, 01:06:54
Postal2 em 9o!! hahaha taca gasolina nos carinha q botar fogo eh pokooo violento neh!

05-12-2004, 09:42:31
que isso ... postal 2 devia d se u um dos mais violentos dessa lista ae