View Full Version : [ATI News] Primeiros benchs da série X1800!

16-09-2005, 14:39:58

Tá muito lento o site... também né...

Pra falar a verdade esperava um pouco mais das bichinhas... isso nos remete àquela época em que a Radeon 9700 Pro dominava o mercado e depois de um tempão veio a atitude desesperada da nVidia materializada na famosa 5800 Ultra... :)

Ahn, mas também tem que ver se esses benchs são legítimos, afinal de contas o pessoal do site parece que tá meio puto com a ATI... :D

16-09-2005, 14:43:00
O Q????????/

ta quase batendo 2 7800GTX em SLi ???

dexa eu ver essa porra :p

599 contos?? bah noa vale o custo/beneficio nem fudendo

Our conclusion is a mixed bag really. The benchmarks were run on release candidate drivers for the Radeon X1800 Pro and XT, hence performance is not likely to change much before launch. On the other hand ATI has been able to wring extra performance from their drivers in the past, so we’d expect them to be able to pull that off here as well. Overall it looks like the Radeon X1800 XT is good match for the GeForce 7800GTX, although in most games the GTX clearly takes the lead. The Radeon X1800 Pro is slightly slower than the GeForce 7800 GT, although not by much. Considering the fact that we’ve used a top-of-the-line AMD Athlon FX57 processor, with 1GB of OCZ DDR400 memory on the popular Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe motherboard your mileage may vary, we honestly don’t know how these cards will do in a lower spec-ed system. With more pipelines, 24 vs. 16, the GeForce 7800 GT and GTX should have the advantage here.

Overall ATI has managed to finally bring the R520 architecture to market, although over 6-months late. If they had launched it earlier they’d have taken the market by storm, much like the GeForce 7800GTX did at launch. However it will now be a tough sell, the MSRP is around $599 for the Radeon X1800 XT, which is up to $150 more expensive than the GeForce 7800GTX which is faster overall. Same applies to the Radeon X1800 Pro, which will retail at $449, you can buy a GeForce 7800GTX for that amount of money, which honestly hands the Radeon X1800 Pro its own behind. For now it is clear that ATI has managed to launch a new line of graphics cards that keeps pace with NVIDIA’s, kudos to them for staying competitive.

In order for ATI to really compete with NVIDIA they’ll need to match their price tags and be able to ship in volume at launch. Unfortunately history has taught us that previous top-of-the-line ATI graphics cards were available as PE, press edition, only, with virtually no retail availability until months after the launch. We hope that ATI has learned a trick or two from NVIDIA that had immediate availability when they launched the GeForce 7800GT and GTX. Next stop for ATI is CrossFire, it’ll be interesting to see what two of these new Radeons are capable of when run side by side. Let’s hope for them they’ll be able to secure a decisive victory over NVIDIA, else I’ll be simply repeating myself when we cover CrossFire in detail.

nao curti :p

16-09-2005, 14:48:37
Aqui tá dando erro interno do servidor, nem vi direito... o que deve ter de gente acessando esse site agora... hehehehe :P

16-09-2005, 14:53:07
aqui entro normal

tipo, ela é mais fraca e mais cara, qualé a da ATi ?

sin-salabin huueuheuheh :sm05:

16-09-2005, 15:03:54
Pois é hell...

falando em ATI, olha essa notícia aqui sobre o Crossfire, tirada do Rage3D:

Serious CrossFire Limitation

Earlier today I was given information regarding ATI’s upcoming Crossfire technology that, at first, I passed off as so ridiculous it couldn’t possibly be true. However, after having the information verified from several very reputable sources I’ve decided it would be a disservice to keep this information private.

As many are aware by now, ATI’s Crossfire technology uses an external link to connect the Master and Slave cards together (it's sort of like a 3-headed dongle with DVI connectors at the ends). What’s not generally known is that the backbone for this setup is a Silicon Image SiL 1161 chip which is installed on the X8-series Master cards. The SiL 1161 is there to receive output passed over the external link from the Slave card in the Crossfire setup and pass it on to the Master card.

Sounds decent on paper and everything, but if you check out the specs for the 1161 on this page you will see that it is limited to single-link TMDS @ 165MHz. This means that the max 3D resolution for any X8-series Crossfire setup is 1600x1200 @ 60Hz. That means no high-res Crossfire gaming beyond 1600x1200, no 1600x1200 at a flicker free refresh rate, and no widescreen 1920x1200.

How can a technology so clearly aimed at enthusiast gamers have a limitation like this? High-resolution flicker free gaming is one of the primary benefits a multi-graphics setup like Crossfire should offer entusiasts but, somehow, ATI managed to mess that up completely.

Aff, tem hora que dá até pra pensar em um futuro só da NV...

16-09-2005, 15:08:01
Olha o que saiu no Guru3D:

Sander obviously did not produce the results himself, yet apparently the results come from a board partner in Taiwan. Although the "review" misses out a lot of info it positions the R520 products at the 7800 GT and GTX level. Both give and take a little. I really don't know if we can trust the results published by Sander as you need to test a product in-house and not rely on 3rd party based beta engineerging products.

ATI's (Chris Hook) first reaction to this article was: " Fiction. I don't believe these numbers were ever run on a 520 ".

A second response just came in:

"This is a complete hoax - done with an OC'd X850, we think. Call our partners yourself and ask if they have R520XTs in house. The numbers aren't even close."

16-09-2005, 15:22:43
fake... pq se for isso msm affffff

se for real msm émais facil fechar as portas ATI, pq a NV lançou a 7800GTX em maio, se CINCO meses depois a ATI naum conseguir fazer algo melhor PQP!!!!!!!!!!! uaehauehuaheauhe

a diferença de tempo entre o lançamento da 7800GTX pra R520XT é praticamente o mesmo da diferença entre o lançamento da X850XT pra 7800GTX, ou seja, da muito bem tempo de lançarem algo melhor... se naum vai ficar feia a coisa pro lado vermelho da força auehauea

16-09-2005, 15:37:05
sei nao heim..
pra mim eh fake..

logico, nao tenho em mente q deveria ser 100milhoes de vezes mais rapida q a gtx..
mas no minimo, um poco superior.. 599 dolares pra ser pior? acho q nao neh?

isso vai dar mto bafafa ainda, ateh lancar essa coisa..
vamo ver.. bleh..


16-09-2005, 16:38:10
O jogo que fica "pau á pau" é o Far Cry...pq o resto...ela so ganha da 7800 GTX em 1024x768....a partir da ai so da nVidia...

Sei...não....ta esquisito...

E outra os teste do Doom 3..tão meio esquisitos...as 7800 GTX/GT era pra rodar mais do que ta ali... :confused:

16-09-2005, 16:54:04
Achei as duas muito parecidas na verdade!!!! Em nenhum teste a 7800 ficou muuuito na frente....... só no doom3!!!!

But......ficou um gostinho de quero mais, pois eu e a maioria das pessoas esperavam muito mais dela!!!!!

E com esse preço.....tô foooooora!!!! :sm20:

16-09-2005, 18:24:20
mas provavelmente é fake msm, alem do q com as 7800GTX na casa dos 400 dolares lançar uma placa pior ou que empate em performance com a GTX a 599,00 é querer não vender auheuaehuahe

16-09-2005, 18:31:57
Acho q eh fake...

16-09-2005, 18:58:52
Caralho leiam la em cima... obvio que eh fake :D

16-09-2005, 21:47:57
Caralho leiam la em cima... obvio que eh fake :D

17-09-2005, 14:37:35
Leia isso:

Foi compravado (pelo menos por enquanto..:rolleyes: ) que era fake...

Ninguem precisa se matar...hauahuahauhaua..:sm25: :sm25: :sm25:

19-09-2005, 10:15:09
Se bem que eu não vou comprar nenhuma mesmo, mas... ainda bem para nós que é fake... ;P