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23-05-2006, 14:56:03
Os caras são nerds mas tem hora que são engraçados... :p

EDIT: traduzi meio que genericamente as partes principais para quem não sabe ler inglês.

RE: Is this the future of fast graphics?
By TiberiusKane on 5/22/2006 10:47:38 PM , Rating: 2

Nah, I think the lack of an edit function makes us more accountable for what we say. Also, if in a debate, you're mentioning something I said, then I go and change what I said, even by modifying the tone of my argument, it makes your points less valid. Maybe a "track changes" type deal would be good (never seen it implemented).

RE: Is this the future of fast graphics?
By Furen on 5/23/2006 1:20:51 AM , Rating: 3

Maybe being able to edit posts that haven't been replied to? Or how about having 5-10 to edit after posting? I suppose proof-reading would help, too.

RE: Is this the future of fast graphics?
By willow01 on 5/23/2006 3:05:44 AM , Rating: 2

Maybe a second brain to type and proof read in parrallel.
Talvez um segundo cérebro para poder digitar e corrigir o texto em paralelo.

RE: Is this the future of fast graphics?
By Griswold on 5/23/2006 3:36:35 AM , Rating: 2

SLI brain?
Cérebros em SLI?

RE: Is this the future of fast graphics?
By Inkjammer on 5/23/2006 3:46:29 AM , Rating: 5

I already tried Brain in SLI, but discovered the drivers weren't quite mature. I crashed during breakfast and nearly drown in a bowl oatmeal.

I recommend single Brain for the time being. It's more mature and the platform has been established for what seems like forever.

Eu já tentei usar cérebros em SLI, mas descobri que os drivers ainda não estavam muito amadurecidos. Eu travei durante uma refeição e quase me afoguei em uma bacia de mingau de aveia.

Recomendo o uso de cérebro único por enquanto. É mais maduro e a plataforma foi estabelecida para sempre ao que parece.

RE: Is this the future of fast graphics?
By littlebitstrouds on 5/23/2006 9:52:34 AM , Rating: 2

Try the Omega Drivers... much more stable.
Tente os drivers omega... são muito mais estáveis.

RE: Is this the future of fast graphics?
By Crassus on 5/23/2006 12:14:08 PM , Rating: 2

Brain SLI makes me think about a marriage 101 for computer geeks ;c)
Cérebros em SLI me fazem pensar em uma 101 de casamentos para nerds de computadores ;c)

Essa última foi ótima... huheauaehuaehuae

23-05-2006, 15:27:13
I crashed during breakfast and nearly drown in a bowl oatmeal.


24-05-2006, 00:32:56

24-05-2006, 01:00:20

24-05-2006, 02:17:08