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14-04-2008, 14:25:00

Tópico Oficial de Emulação
Olá visitante do Fórum GamesBrasil, neste tópico você irá encontrar tudo sobre o mundo da emulação, como progressos
de emuladores, novas notícias, análises de emuladores e respostas para a maioria das suas dúvidas. Notícias serão
postadas normalmente no tópico, e não neste post.


Parte 1
1. O que é Emulação
2. Quadro de conhecimento de emuladores
3. FAQ

Parte 2
1. Emuladores - Consoles
1.1 8 Bits
1.2 16 Bits
1.3 32 Bits
1.4 64 Bits
1.5 128 Bits

2. Emuladores - Portatéis
1.1 GameGear
1.2 GameBoy Advance / Color / GameBoy
1.3 Nintendo DS
1.4 Sony PSP


Em computação, um emulador é um software criado para essencialmente transcrever instruções de um processador alvo para o processador no qual ele está rodando. O emulador também é responsável pela simulação dos circuitos integrados ou chips do sistema de hardware em um software.

Wikipedia (http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emula%C3%A7%C3%A3o)


Nesta seção você ficará por dentro da situação atual dos emuladores disponíveis, de acordo com a sua evolução


Neste tópico não são relacionadas 100% das plataformas existentes

Plataformas sem emuladores
As seguintes plataformas, não possuem nenhum projeto de emulação no momento:
- Sony Playstation 3
- Microsoft XBOX 360

Plataformas com emulação em início desenvolvimento
As seguintes plataformas possuem emuladores em início desenvolvimento, mas não conseguem ainda rodar jogos comerciais:
- Sony PSP

Plataformas com emulação em início de funcionalidade
As seguintes plataformas possuem emuladores em início de funcionamento e rodam pequenas partes de jogos comerciais:
- Microsoft XBOX

Plataformas com emulação com falta de compatibilidade e/ou performance
As seguintes plataformas possuem emuladores com problemas de compatibilidade (rodando jogos com problemas técnicos)
ou performance (exigindo um computador extremamente avançado para rodar o emulador em velocidade aceitável)
- Nintendo Wii
- Sony Playstation 2
- Nintendo GameCube
- Sega Saturn

Plataformas com emulação parcialmente completa
As seguintes plataformas possuem emuladores rodando jogos comerciais, com pequenos problemas
de performance e/ou compatibilidade:
- Nintendo DS
- Nintendo-64
- Sega Dreamcast

Plataformas Portateis com emulação completa
As seguintes plataformas portáteis, possuem emulação completa:
- Nintendo GameBoy Advance
- Nintendo GameBoy Color
- Nintendo GameBoy
- SEGA GameGear

Plataformas com emulação completa
- Sony Playstation
- Sega 32x
- Sega CD
- Sega Genesis / Mega-Drive
- Sega Master System
- Super Nintendo (SNES)
- Nintendo 8 Bits
- NeoGeo
- Atari Jaguar
- Atari 2600


1. Aonde posso baixar a BIOS de determinado console e aonde posso baixar ROMS?
R - Leia as regras do fórum, pedir e/ou passar links para bios ou roms são proíbidos no Fórum GB.

2. Más eu não sei aonde achar BIOS, sem a BIOS o meu emulador não funciona!
R - O Google é seu amigo, faça bom proveito.

3. Aonde posso achar um emulador de Playstation 2 que funcione?
R - Leia o tópico, vá até a parte de emuladores, lá você irá achar o seu emulador. Leia a FAQ#4 antes!

4. Baixei um emulador de Playstation 2, só que ele é extremamente pesado, o que acontece?
R - A Emulação de Playstation 2 exige muita capacidade de processamento do seu PC. Emuladores mais atualizados como o
PCSX2 se beneficiam de processadores Dual-Core para aumentar a velocidade de emulação. E ainda temos
o fato da emulação de Playstation 2 não estar 100 % concluída.

5. Você pode ensinar alguma técnica para o emulador "X" ficar mais rápido?
R - Não. Como dito na FAQ#4, não somente com emuladores de PS2, mas sim com vários emuladores, a velocidade e um problema
sério, relacionado diretamente ao seu hardware e ao próprio emulador, que sofre da falta de otimização.

6. Você pode ensinar configurar o emulador "X" para eu poder começar a jogar?
R - Eu não, mas o Ronca_Lapor criou um ótimo tópico que ensina a configurar vários emuladores, leia-o:

7. Você recomenda algum site sobre emulação?
R - Sim, emulation64 (www.emulation64.com), ngEMU (www.ngemu.com), TheEmulatorZone (www.emulator-zone.com) e General Emulation (www.generalemu.net) são os meus preferidos.

8. Suas recomendações em relação ao mundo da emulação
R - Sempre tenha no PC a versão mais atualizada do seu emulador, e também versões antigas, para você, na prática, avaliar
o progresso do emulador.

Emuladores normalmente vem com várias opções que influenciam diretamente no modo que o emulador vai trabalhar. Não
tenha medo e mude-as para ver o que acontece. Às vezes você consegue que um certo jogo rode melhor (ou com menos erros)
com alguns cliques. Como dito na FAQ#5, não ensinarei técnicas para conseguir maiores velocidades com emuladores.
Isso varia de sistema para sistema.

Fique atento as ultimas notícias sobre o mundo da emulação, às vezes, uma notícia como "Emulador X está rodando jogo Y sem problemas" e tudo o que um usuário deseja!

9. O Emulador "x" deu um erro na minha máquina, você pode me ajudar?
R - Infelizmente não. Principalmente com emuladores mais novos. Recomendo a você visitar o site do emulador que você está com problemas, e visitar os fóruns de sites especializados em emuladores, na tentativa de obter um suporte especializado.

10. Por que jogo "x" roda melhor no meu pc do que o jogo "y"
R - Principalmente a partir da emulação do Nintendo-64, esse se tornou um aspecto cada vez mais visível nos emuladores. Jogos com gráficos menos complexos rodam melhor em relação a jogos mais pesados (Levando o exemplo do Nintendo-64, o Mario64 é um jogo com gráficos simples, e consequentemente vai rodar mais rápido do que, por exemplo, o GoldenEye)

11. Você gosta de usar emuladores?
R - "Sim e não". Emuladores, são bons, na minha opinião, para plataformas antigas. Hoje em dia é difícil se achar um Mega-Drive funcionando não é? Agora, para plataformas "relativamente" mais novas, como o Playstation 2, ter o console é de longe a melhor opção. Eu não sou daquelas pessoas que testam os emuladores a cada nova versão (com a exceção dos emuladores de Nintendo DS),
pois, além de exigirem PC's absurdamente fortes, não ficam, nem de longe, jogáveis como em um console. Resumindo, Emuladores conseguem, no meu caso por exemplo, trazer lembranças de uma época em que se reunia com amigos para quebrar joysticks jogando Mortal Kombat, discutir qual que era melhor, Sonic ou Mario, e anotar, na folha de um caderno, os passwords do Top Gear.

12. Porquê voce citou tantas vezes o Playstation 2 nesta FAQ?
R - Simples. O que não falta por ai são pessoas que querem jogar PS2 em seus PC's. E muitas dessas pessoas, não conhecem sobre o assunto, não sabem que a emulação de PS2 é super complicada.
Na minha opinião, ainda teremos que esperar por no mínimo 1 ou 2 anos, para que um Emulador de PS2 venha a ter a qualidade esperada por todos (levando em conta a evolução de Hardware que temos em 2 anos, não contando somente com a evolução do próprio emulador). Falando assim, algúem pode achar que não existe PC que consiga emular o PS2. Existe sim. Só que o investimento que teria que se fazer para rodar um emulador de PS2 com velocidade aceitável, compensa muito mais, comprar um Playstation 2.

13. Você acredita que vão sair emuladores dos consoles da nova geração?
R - Não acredito. E se eu estiver errado, isso vai ser algo que vai acontecer daqui há 10 anos, no mínimo. Considerando que até hoje, não existe um emulador 100% completo do Nintendo 64, e que vários PC's por ai sofrem muito para emular o PS2.

14. Curiosidade: Qual o jogo que aparece de fundo nas imagens do post a seguir? Indentificando 8/16/32/64/128 Bits/Next Gen e os portatéis?
R - 8 Bits: Super Mario Bros, 16 Bits: Sonic 3 & Knuckles, 32 Bits: Gran Turismo, 64 Bits: Super Mario 64, 128 Bits: Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Next Gen: Metroid Prime 3 Corrpution, Portatéis: Metroid Fusion (GBA)

14-04-2008, 14:26:22

Parte 2 - Emuladores - Incompleto

Links dos emuladores - emulation64 e The Emulator Zone


Sega Master System
Fusion 3.51 (http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/genesis/fusion.html)

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Nestopia 1.37 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/717/)


Sega Genesis(Mega Drive) / SegaCD / Sega 32x
Gens 2.14 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/398/)
Fusion 3.6 (http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/genesis/fusion.html) NOVO!

Super Nintendo
ZSNES 1.51 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/143/)


Sony Playstation
epsxE 1.6.0 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/1/)

Sega Saturn
SSF 0.09 Alpha R2 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/230/)


Nintendo 64
Project64 1.7.055 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/204/)


Sega Dreamcast
nullDC 1.0.0 Beta 1.6 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/849/)

Sony Playstation 2
PCSX2 (32/64-BIT) 0.9.6 (http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/ps2/pcsx2.html) NOVO!

Nintendo GameCube
Dolphin SVN Build r4525 (http://www.dolphin-emu.com/news.php) NOVO!

Microsoft XBOX
CXBX 0.7.8c (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/223/)


Nintendo Wii
Dolphin SVN Build r4525 (http://www.dolphin-emu.com/news.php) NOVO!


Sega GameGear
Fusion 3.51 (http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/genesis/fusion.html)

Nintendo GameBoy / GameBoy Color / GameBoy Advance
Visual Boy Advance 1.8.0 Beta 3 (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/9/)

Nintendo DS
No$GBA 2.6a (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/757/)
DeSmuME 0.9.4 (http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/nds/desmume.html) NOVO!

Sony PSP
PSPE (http://www.emulation64.com/files/info/493/)

15-04-2008, 14:45:42

Equipe do ePSXe retoma desenvolvimento do emulador

Desde a versão 1.6.0 (02.03.04), não tinhamos novas notícias sobre esse otímo emulador. A equipe do ePSXe publicou uma atualização recente em seu site, confirmando que o projeto não está morto.

"It has been long time since the previous ePSXe status update. During this time the ePSXe development has been on hold and our lives have changed a lot, probably just like yours. In summer 2007 we decided to continue working in ePSXe encouraged by the users support even after 4 years without updates. ePSXe is currently in final testing and we hope to release a new version very soon. We wanted to thank you for your support and show you some screenshots from games that should work better in the next release."

The ePSXe team


Super Nintendo - bsnes 0.031

• Fixed bug and re-enabled HDMA bus sync delays
• Emulated newly discovered IRQ timing edge case
• Optimized offset-per-tile rendering
• Added state-machine implementation of S-DSP core, ~5% speedup
• Added SPC7110 detection, will now warn that this chip is unsupported
• Fixed very annoying Windows port OS beeping noise when using keyboard for input
• Linux port will now save most recent folder when no default ROM path is selected
• Added OpenGL rendering support to Windows port [krom]
• Fixed Direct3D pixel mode scaling bug [krom, sinamas, VG]
• Improved SNES controller graphic [FitzRoy]
• Added UPS (not IPS) soft-patching support; UPS patch must be made against unheadered ROM
• As always, cleaned up source code a bit


27-04-2008, 15:30:11

Nintendo DS - DeSmuME 0.8

- Save State As function now works. [Jeff B]
- Recent Items menu now works. [Jeff B]
- Opening NDS files from Finder now works. [Jeff B]
- Added screenshot feature. [Jeff B]
- Added preferences. [Jeff B]
- Many more strings are translatable now. [Jeff B]
- Default screen color is black (better represents being "off" and easier on eyes at night). [Jeff B]
- Added sound. [Jeff B]
- Now is a universal binary. [Jeff B]
- Leopard resolution icon added. [Jeff B]
- Added a Japanese translation. [Jeff B]
- Added an optional status bar (resize handle no longer overlaps screen). [Jeff B]
- New ROM Info and About DeSmuME windows have been added. [Jeff B]
- Fixed several bugs in window resizing. [Jeff B]
- Added FAT image support for homebrew games (thanks to TypeError). [Jeff B]
- Key config can be changed on the command line. Save/load hotkeys changed (so expose doesn't override). [Jeff B]
- Key bindings may work better on non-US keyboards now (needs testing). [Jeff B]

- Fixed possible segfault in ROMReader on ia64 and amd64. [evilynux]
- Fixed a crash bug with 2D background corrupting memory [shash]
- Flag check optimization [carlo_bramini]
- Applied some endian fixes in GPU (thanks to Phazz) [Jeff B]

- Added DeSmuME version in about dialog. [evilynux]
- Updated website url in about dialog. [evilynux]
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Dreampeppers99. [evilynux]
- Better desktop menu entry following FreeDesktop specifications. [evilynux]

- Updated website url in about dialog. [evilynux]
- Better desktop menu entry following FreeDesktop specifications. [evilynux]

windows port:
- DirectInput control interface with joystick support [CrazyMax aka mtabachenko]
- Matrix and Light viewer [Acid Burn]


03-05-2008, 20:41:02

Sega Saturn - SSF 0.09 beta R1

Fixed processing CD player.
SCSP slot to control fixed.
SCU treatment to correct a timer.
VDP2 SAIKURUPATANCHEKKU the process fixed.
Fixed memory wait process.

State data saved version has been changed.
Saturn is in full-screen aspect ratio option to force was established.
Old SH2 execution has been removed. It also removes the option of SH2 New Execution.
SH2 New Execution from the current version of the state to check the same.
Check Cycle Pattern Pattern Name Renewal and integration options.

When bitmap SAIKURUPATANCHEKKU process of change,
If you play movies.
Check Cycle Pattern is the time to check, please.
R1 is a pattern processing cycle would be correct should be…



Nintendo DS - iDeaS beta (Windows)

* Fixed a bug in POWCNT1 register.
* Fixed a bug in BLX opcode.
* Fixed a bug in Character Base Block.
* Fixed a bug in Textures Management.
* Fixed a bug in 0xE AR opcode.
* Fixed a bug in LDRH Post Index Opcodes.
* Fixed a bug in free textures.
* Fixed a bug in Alpha Blending Effects.
* Fixed a bug in bind textures.
* Fixed a bug in Texture Coordinates Transformation.
* Fixed a bug in Textures Blending.
* Added advanced Textures Management.
* Added support for GdiPlus for scaling operations.


09-07-2008, 03:44:27

Sony Playstation - ePSXe 1.7.0

Multiple changes has been done in the Pad support.
The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1.7.0 version.
The iso support code has been rewritten.
The MDEC decoder has been rewritten.
A new version of the Pete's Software Plugin is included.
The XA/CDDA support has been worked in this new version.
Many things have been fixed in the cd-rom decoder and the core.



Nintendo DS - NeonDS 0.2.0

* New 3D display engine using GLSL
* Video capture
* 2d background mosiac effect
* NDS firmware settings
* Other emulator bug fixes



Dreamcast - Makaron Test 10

1. T10 might be a bit slower than T9 series. It'll most likely affect only low-end systems as there isn't really much of a difference (if any) on my E6600.
2. WinCE games usually crash when emulation speed drops below certain treshold. In other words, if you got fast system you should get stable performance.
3. Due to changes in GD-DMA code loading times are back. It's considered normal behaviour since this is how Dreamcast works. Thanks to those changes compatibility has improved and following titles should now boot and work: All Dream Preview discs, original MIL-CDs, Street Fighter Zero 3, SEGA Tetris Online and Tetris 4D.
4. CD-DA (audio tracks) will play, but still use the older method of fetching data. This might cause Makaron to crash but it's very unlikely as data reads and playing audio are mutualy exclusive tasks.
5. There are some minor changes in full-screen setup code (the debug window will be hidden and not forcibly refreshed). No 16:x aspect ratios yet.
6. Changes to sorting/drawing code broke shadows in Virtua Fighter 3tb. I'm not planning on fixing that anytime soon though, as it would break many other things. Late T9 versions have this problem too, by the way.
7. Makaron now disables screen saver when run. It's only going to be a problem if it crashes, as it might not re-enable it on exit. Just so you know.
8. If you manually enable MMU the recompiler will not switch to address translation mode until it's actually requested, so there's no speed penalty in BIOS and most games. Some however (like Ikaruga) use only partial translation and this can be emulated without full-blown MMU support. It'll work either way but will be a lot slower with MMU enabled. Some WinCE games are automatically recognized (this works only for GD images) and MMU will be turned on when necessary. In short: keep it off unless Makaron complains about it.



09-07-2008, 08:21:57
epsxe 1.7!
nao fazia ideia q tinha gente trabalhando nisso ainda..

10-07-2008, 01:33:30
que que aconteceu com o topico oficial que eu tinha :( x :( = :(^2

if f(:() = :(^2
f'(:() = 2:(

now you can find the gradient of the tangent line at any point of the :( function...

calculus, it's that simple...

10-07-2008, 19:05:43
que que aconteceu com o topico oficial que eu tinha :( x :( = :(^2

if f(:() = :(^2
f'(:() = 2:(

now you can find the gradient of the tangent line at any point of the :( function...

calculus, it's that simple...

Alguns tópicos antigos foram substituídos por tópicos novinhos em folha, más, se vc leu todo o post, viu que o seu tópico foi citado ;)

6. Você pode ensinar configurar o emulador "X" para eu poder começar a jogar?
R - Eu não, mas o Ronca_Lapor criou um ótimo tópico que ensina a configurar vários emuladores, leia-o:

10-07-2008, 21:23:34
ficou show de bola, muito bem explicadindo, adorei as imgs xD

10-07-2008, 21:51:31
Alguns tópicos antigos foram substituídos por tópicos novinhos em folha, más, se vc leu todo o post, viu que o seu tópico foi citado ;)

ok, confesso, nao li todo o topico :( shame on me


muito bom o layout by the way... ;):sm38:

04-09-2008, 03:02:56

(Microsoft XBOX) CXBX

After a period of silence from Cxbx, blueshogun96 shared the following at Generalemu.net, along with a repository update featuring his private changes over the past year. Quoting blueshogun on that:

blueshogun96 Wrote:
I finally got a chance to upload my branch to the SVN yesterday. The update includes the changes I've added over the past year. I never had a chance to do this until now. Beware that builds from this branch are still beta and hence not stable enough for a release of any kind. Use them at your own discression.

Now for the changes:
Increased support for SDK 4627 and all of it's "relatives"
A minor increase in compatibility for commercial games.
Started support for DirectSound3D (Highly unstable, not yet fully functional and can cause crashes). Must be enabled in the source prior to compiling.
Support for many new texture formats.
Fixed some issues with apps that use DirectMusic. Timing is still inaccurate!
Added multiple new kernel functions.
Fixed some SDK 4721 and 4928 "oddities" with certain APIs
Possibly more things I can't remember.

Some other things that need to be done:
EmuIDirect3DDevice8_GetProjectionViewportMatrix was added, but needs verification.
The hex values of some D3DFMTs can change from one SDK to the next. Easy to add, but I always forget
Add support for multiple thread notifications. This will fix one problem with Blood Wake.
Add a more SDK 5558 API support so that BattleStar Gakactica NTSC version.
The shader parsing code really needs to be updated.
Incomplete NtCreateFile emulation code is STILL giving us major problems (false dirty disc errors)!



Nintendo DS - iDeaS Beta


* Fixed bug in OBJ Bitmap.
* Fixed bugs in SaveStates routines.
* Fixed bug in BEGIN_VTXS register.
* Fixed bug in VRAMCNT_* registers.
* Fixed bug in Frames Skip routines.
* Add Support for 2D render PlugIn.
* Add Console Output for debugger.
* Add support for Guitar Hero Grip.

Audio PlugIn

* Fixed some bugs in resampling routines.
* Fixed bug in SaveStates routines.



Sega Saturn - Yabause 0.9.7

0.9.6 -> 0.9.7
- Added clipping for line-based drawing to software renderer.
- Toggling a screen is now core indepedent.
- Added per-character priority to software renderer.
gtk port:
- Fixed fullscreen setting and added a keep ratio one.
- Fixed a bug in the vdp2 debugger that was causing the emu to crash.
- Full software mode can be compiled again.
- Fixed segfault when taking screenshots in full software mode.
- Fixed default value for region.
- Window position is now saved and restored when re-opening the emu.
- Fixed a problem when changing input cores.
qt port:
- Improved compilation process: make (un)install now works.
- Fix crash when configuring input while using translated version.
windows port:
- Changed resolution list generation so it adds the resolution to the list, regardless of whether it supports 60 hz or not.
- Fixed error when trying to add blank cheat code.
- Fixed all code that allowed the user to choose filename for saving so it automatically places a default extension.
- Save and Clear buttons are now enabled when loading a cheat file.
- Fixed a bug with AR code adding where it was tracking the wrong edit window.
- Fixed a bug when adding raw cheat codes.
- Fixed bugs in vdp1 debugger.
- Fixed a bug where saving/loading a save state and an error occured would cause sound looping.
- Scroll bar in memory editor now works properly when you move the thumb control.
- Added support for x64 builds in Visual Studio.
- Fixed a bug that was causing older save states to fail.


Fonte: General Emulation (www.generalemu.net)

04-09-2008, 08:25:57
ae sparks
arruma o link pro repositorio do cxbx
tem "..." no meio do link..

o certo eh:
https://cxbx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cxbx/branches/private/shogun/wip/ (deixa o mouse em cima =P)

Dom Corleone
04-09-2008, 08:59:17
O emu do PSP ja ta rodando alguma coisa?

04-09-2008, 12:50:58
ae sparks
arruma o link pro repositorio do cxbx
tem "..." no meio do link..

o certo eh:
https://cxbx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cxbx/branches/private/shogun/wip/ (deixa o mouse em cima =P)

arrumado, vlw blur :)

O emu do PSP ja ta rodando alguma coisa?

so homebrew...de jogos comerciais, nada :/

04-09-2008, 14:37:50
arrumado, vlw blur :)

eh nois :D :sm03:

09-09-2008, 17:02:17
o de PS2 não funfa alguem confirma?

09-09-2008, 19:06:00
o de PS2 não funfa alguem confirma?

funcionar funciona, tem gente que até ja fecou jogos no emu, só que não são muitos jogos que rodam, além de precisar de um belo pc para ficar em uma velocidade decente

25-09-2008, 12:43:18

Nintendo DS - iDeaS Final

* Add support for Fog Alpha.
* Add support for Edge Marking (only with shaders).
* Add support for 8MBit save types.
* Add support for RAM_COUNT register (only Vertex).
* Fixed some bugs in Frames Skip options.
* Fixed a bug savestate routines.
* Fixed a bug in BGxCNT registers.
* Fixed some bugs in console output.



Elaine Faria
08-10-2008, 15:18:04
estou usando o emulador zsnesw, funciona corretamente no teclado, comprei um joystick multilaser plug and play. Como configuro o emulador pra jogar com ele?

obs- já testei o controle nos controladores de jogos e está funcionando

Elaine Faria
08-10-2008, 15:23:50
estou usando o emulador zsnesw, funciona corretamente no teclado, comprei um joystick multilaser plug and play. Como configuro o emulador pra jogar com ele?

obs- já testei o controle nos controladores de jogos e está funcionando

08-10-2008, 21:46:55
estou usando o emulador zsnesw, funciona corretamente no teclado, comprei um joystick multilaser plug and play. Como configuro o emulador pra jogar com ele?

obs- já testei o controle nos controladores de jogos e está funcionando


leia este guia (em inglês), vai tirar a sua dúvida :)

27-12-2008, 18:34:21
Graças ao incrível emulador dolphin, agora temos um emulador de Wii também, primeiro post atualizado :sm03:

e se tudo der certo...em breve eu posto aqui um teste dele :D

27-12-2008, 23:22:25
o dolphin era MTOOO lerdo

sera q eles conseguiram otimizar para multicore?

28-12-2008, 05:19:53
o dolphin era MTOOO lerdo

sera q eles conseguiram otimizar para multicore?

já ta bem melhor blur

ta totalmente otimizado pra processadores multicore...esse emu tah arregaçando...

um vídeo...o cara rodando o metroid prime 3 corruption em um C2Q Q6600, 4GB RAM e uma 9600GSO



28-12-2008, 21:14:56
muito bom!!! podia testar em modo full né??? em janela tá indo bem...

28-12-2008, 23:18:00
q louco
e pro gamecube?
como tah? tah bom entao tb sera?

28-12-2008, 23:54:32
q louco
e pro gamecube?
como tah? tah bom entao tb sera?

acredito que deve tá sim!!! mas o melhor emu é o próprio VG :p blurzinho, to loco pra colocar uns gamezinhos nele :( pena q a grana ta curta :(

28-12-2008, 23:56:34
Eu queria era ver algum emulador de DS rodando Pokemon Diamond/Pearl direitinho... há tempos quero jogar =/

29-12-2008, 07:40:26
acredito que deve tá sim!!! mas o melhor emu é o próprio VG :p blurzinho, to loco pra colocar uns gamezinhos nele :( pena q a grana ta curta :(
e eu nao sei?
aeoaheoahoehao :D

antes o emulador soh rodava crazy taxi
zelda ww rodava em uns 2fps
ahoeoaheoa NO MENU! ohaeohaoea :D

29-12-2008, 08:36:29
e eu nao sei?
aeoaheoahoehao :D

antes o emulador soh rodava crazy taxi
zelda ww rodava em uns 2fps
ahoeoaheoa NO MENU! ohaeohaoea :D

tipo, velocidade e qualidade já tem, os dois metroids do gamecube aqui rodam muito bem, o problema são os erros, que são aleatórios...nunca se sabe quando o jogo vai dar erro :/

e também não pesquisei com calma pra ver se tem como se livrar dos erros :p

darkcity não me deixa mentir, passei uma shot do metroid prime 2 rodando aqui, velocidade boa e sem erros gráficos

29-12-2008, 19:13:36
do ultimo binario pra ca melhorou MTO entao..
legal.. legal..

06-03-2009, 08:50:29

Sony Playstation 2 - PCSX2 0.9.6

After nearly 16 months, here comes a new Pcsx2 version. Pcsx2 0.9.6

These months were somewhat problematic for pcsx2, due to an initial slowdown of the development process. Then, last fall, the Playground branch was created, and development picked up again. Finally, with the merge of Pcsx2 and Pcsx2 playground, the emulator's development returned once again as it was before, and now we can give you a release which should (we hope!) leave you happy.

We would like to thank everyone that was still waiting for a release, and coming to our forums. We would also like to thank everyone to encouraged and otherwise supported us. This release is especially for you.

Important note: you NEED to update directx or you won't be able to use the emulator! You can do it with either of the links below:
THIS <-- DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer
or THIS <-- DirectX End-User Runtimes

What's new in 0.9.6?

- Huge rewrite, mainly from the new members of the Playground branch! Too many speedups, optimizations and other fixes to write here! Many famous games will now work.
- Dropped VM build replaced by the all new Vtlb, meaning no more 'Cannot allocate memory' errors at start up, more accurate emulation, slightly lower speeds but with many optimizations to come
- Full memcard support, working in all games
- Improved Frameskip/VU-skip
- Special Game Fixes Section
- Advanced Options Section for custom tweaking VU/FPU behavior.
- Rewritten Multithreaded GS (MTGS) mode, with as much as 15% speedup for HT machines (only 3-5% for Dual Core), and fixes many instabilities.
- Improved VU/FPU Flags and Clamping support (helps fix odd behaviors and SPS in some games)
- Improved EE/IOP synchronization (fixes many freeze-ups and vmhacks).
- Improved CDVD support.

The older versions will NOT be supported in our forums,so 0.9.4,0.9.5 and playground are not supported anymore Smile

General Emulation

Download: http://www.pcsx2.net/files/12303

Comentário rápido sobre o emulador:

Acredito que dentro de uns 6 meses, teremos um emulador de playstation 2 praticamente completo, tantos em termos de performance, como em termos de qualidade, e finalmente eu estarei jogando GT4 no emu :)

15-03-2009, 23:30:05
Aqui vai uma lista dos jogos testados no Dholphin do Wii pela equipe da NGEmu, alguns reportados como funcionando quase 100% :D

Balls of Fury PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = Broken
It says "Please insert Balls of Fury game disc".
–Revision 1166 [all revisions really], x86/x64, OpenGL and DX9, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Baroque: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Goes in game but you will have a seizure trying to play the game as it looks like a constant strobe light is on the screen.
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - SVN r1172:
Random crashes and screen is having a seizure.

Battalion Wars 2 PAL: {reported by Vaporizer}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
In game with good graphics and sound but nunchuck needed.
–Revision 1180, x64, OpenGL, Windows Server 2008/XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Bleach: Shattered Blade: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Fully playable with sound at full speed (can not save game)
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Bust-A-Move: {reported by Gnen}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Fully playable with sound at full speed.
–Revision SVN 1210, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GT, Windows XP SP3, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Captain Rainbow NTSC-J: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Playable
You will have to disable Dual Core or it won’t show up at all. Graphics are not perfect.

Updates - R1219: {reported by RockmanForte}
Title screen show for the first time but freezes.

Updates - R1274: {reported by RockmanForte}
Playable at last. Revision SVN 1274. The graphics is not perfect.

Castlevania Judgement USA: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Playable
Everything is perfect in Dolphin rev 1230 and save works! In game graphics looks fine to me and great speed. You can use gamepad. freezes in vs and training.
–Revision SVN 1230, x64, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Call of Duty: World at War (PAL): {reported by TomskDiver}
EmulationStateId = Broken
After copyright screen, PANIC! message: "stwcxd - suspicious instruction"
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Disaster - Day of Crisis PAL: {reported by ChaosHeart}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Video Intro works with sound. In game with good graphics and sound but nunchuck needed. Little error for black screen in the bottom is fixable in Game, > Options > Adjust Screen.
Revision 1177, x86, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Windows Vista, Wiimote Test 0.1

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3: {reported by locazoo}
EmulationStateId = Playable
It’s like blue filter in the screen (exept for the intro video, the colours are normal).
Plays music and some sounds. Runs slow in the menu but playable.must use gamecube controls.
–SVN R 1590 x64, OpenGL, Windows Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Face Breaker: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Goes in game and plays around 10fps. No menues, so you must get to the fight by guessing. Will randomly lock up in game.
–Revision SVN R1180, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Far Cry Vengeance: {reported by synapze}
EmulationStateId = Other
Loads Intro Movie. Gets to "Start" Menu then hangs. (Sound works great the entire time)
–Revision SVN R1180, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn NTSC: {reported by adaml75}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Goes in game, plays music (but no battle sounds). Pretty good speed (30 fps on Quad 6600). Doesn’t save game, says it’s impossible to save. Has some annoying graphical glitches (especially when casting spells). Almost playable overall, doesn’t hang anywhere (but didn’t spend much time on it).
–SVN R 1172, x64, OpenGL, Windows Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Playable
Goes in game now graphic glitches.
–Revision SVN 1590, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Fun Sports Ice Hockey PAL: {reported by solidesnake}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Nunchuck works perfect. Speed is perfect with Dual Core, Dynarec and Idle skipping turned on. Sound is perfect, little noise in game.
Revision 1212, x86, OpenGL/DirectX, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Gintama Banji Oku Chuubu JAP:
EmulationStateId = Broken
This game unfortunetly just doesn’t show anything , just hangs, (black screen).
–Revision 1230/1239/1272/1292 x86, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Plugin

Ghost Squad: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
–Revision SVN 1093, - x64, - Windows Vista/XP, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - Not reported, - Wiimote Test 0.1

Harvest Moon: Magical Melody PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = Other
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, Direct3D, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

House of the Dead 2 & 3 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
100% perfect at full speed with sound and save game.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - R1219 {reported by RockmanForte}
House of the Dead 3 works fine but House of the Dead 2 have an error panic and also after your shell is empty. You cannot reload it. It is very difficult to reload your shotgun.

Kororinpa PAL: {reported by Super Nest}
EmulationStateId = Other
Doesn’t pass the title screen in 1230 (and former releases). It says: "Press start button" but nothing happens. Lots of glitches too.
–Revision SVN 1230, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Link’s Crossbow Training NTSC-U: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Playable and no graphics errors, but Wiimote is inaccurate and you can’t shoot below, which makes it more difficult. Nunchuck is emulated!
–Revision SVN 1219, x64, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GT, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Mario Kart Wii PAL/NTSC-U: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Playable
look at link for all info:http://forums.ngemu.com/dolphin-disc…al-thread.html
–Revision SVN 1122, x86, OpenGL, Windows Vista , DSP-HLE Plugin, AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ 2.8GHz, Wiimote Test 0.1

Mario Party 8 PAL: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
No panicmessages at boot anymore as the previous revisions. When I’m ready for playing the game after selecting character and stage, the game crashes, resulting in a memory error. You can browse around menus, but you can’t play.
–Revision SVN R 1157, -x86, - Windows Vista, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+, - Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - SVN 1172:
Sound is working just fine and clear with shiny sound effects. But, you still can’t create a save file. It’s resulting in this panicmessage: "CWII_IPC_HLE_Device_fs::IOCtl: ni 0×2".

Mario Strikers Charged Football NTSC-U/PAL: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Playable

Updates - SVN R1230 {reported by ChaosHeart}
Works perfect in Dolphin rev 1230, but without save.
Game intro: very good quality, but no sound.

In game: Graphics is perfect. Full speed at 30-40 FPS and the nunchuk is emulated with this steering buttons 2, 4, 6, 8 on numpad.
"S" hits the enemy, "A" pass the ball, "B" shoot or mega shoot, "C" uses item.
–Revision SVN 1230, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GTX, Windows Vista Ultimate, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1 (extension connected)

Metal Slug Anthology: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Intro plays at full speed with sound then crashes.
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption NTSC: {reported by daxstu}
EmulationStateId = Status: Title Screen/Menus

Lots of graphical corruption on the title screen[flickers like hell], and pops up an error about save data[I think, it's garbled so I can't read it, but I think I saw the word save in it]. There’s also some laggy and choppy music coming out on the title screen.

Monopoly Wii: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Gives an error just trying to boot.
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

My Sims Kingdom: {reported by Player594}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
The game works great. Controls are spot on and graphics are near perfect. Sound is missing, voices and a few background sounds. Controls works fine too. Game saves fine.
–Rev 1219 , x86, OpenGL, P4 3.2 HT, XP Home, HLE, N-Joy

Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 1: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Both play nearly perfect in game with full(?) speed. Some textures are messed up, but if you reload the screen they will be normal after. "Sometimes when doing a match, the time runs out before it even began."
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Works except for story mode with sound only. Minor GFX glitches. You can save if you let it hang the system while saving one time, then have it recreate the save data and it works.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Okami: {reported by ninpo}
EmulationStateId = Other
Boots up, goes into the saving in progress screen then screen goes all white and crashes with no error messages. Also, fps counter is really low on the saving in progress screen.
–Revision SVN 1097 & 1109, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - SVN R1172: {reported by RockmanForte}
Okami is now ingame, but nunchuck is needed.

Updates - SVN R1219: {reported by RockmanForte}
Ingame, Nunchuck emulated, black screen, a flash white at once then press + to skip and got an error panic!
"Read from Invalid memory region (0×4e800128). There is no way to recovery from this error, so Dolphin will now exit. Sorry!"

Updates - SVN R1240:
Breaks after starting new game and first scene, no graphics in scene.
–Revision SVN 1240, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

One Piece: Unlimited Cruise {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
TLB error.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Onechambra Revolution [NTSC] (JAP): {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Plays great with sound at perfect speed. Game saves no problem. Occasional GFX glitches.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Prince of Persia: Dual Sword NTSC:
EmulationStateId = Broken
Since revision 1194, it stops at the nunchuck request, then Dolphin crash.
–Revision SVN 1216, x86, Windows XP SP3, OpenGL and Direct3D, Q6600, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 PAL: {reported by RazLaron}
EmulationStateId = Perfect (for me)
Have problems to create a save and doesn’t like DirectX (graphic bugs). Although that situation, we can play in OpenGL with all textures and even we don’t have nunchuk we can play, thanks to the possibilities of the game (alternative). Good frame rate. Sound: Only some noises. I advise to enable Dual Core and maybe Idle Skipping.
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, OpenGL, Windows Vista , DSP-HLE Plugin, Intel Dual Core 2 DUO 1.87Ghz, Wiimote Test 0.1

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party PAL: {reported by TomskDiver}
EmulationStateId = Broken
On loading… PANIC! message: "IPC CommandDisconnect: WiiMote emulation is out of sync…"
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles: {reported by beatlep}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
–Revision SVN 1093, - x64, Windows Vista/XP x64, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - Not reported, - Wiimote Test 0.1
crashes at the control panel in level.

RTL Winter Sports 2008: {reported by omegadox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Fifo_CPUWritePointer out of bounds during some scene intro
–Revision SVN 1094, x64, OpenGL, AMD Phenom, Windows Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Simple Series Volume 1 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Perfect with sound and full speed.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Simple Series Volume 5 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Has TLB error.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Simple Series Volume 6 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Plays slow with perfect sound in interp mode.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Spyro: Eternal Night: {reported by omegadox}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Need nunchuck.
–Revision 1094, x64, OpenGL, AMD Phenom, Vista, HLE, Wiimote

Sonic and the Secret Rings [PAL]: {reported by Super Empra}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Got past the menu screen and the game plays fine at a good speed and with clear sound. This game is fully playable.
–Revision 1180, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.40GHz, Win XP Pro, DSP-NULL, Wiimote Test 0.1

playable with 1882
Some gliches and wiard color probs but playable
Sword is flickering but uncheck optimized quantizers make sword fully visible but some weird glitches appeared
No sound in CG movies , when in game saund is work bun out of sync , sometimes FX is missing

15-03-2009, 23:31:18
Continuação da lista:

Soul Eater Monotone Princess JAP:
EmulationStateId = In Game
Almost perfect sound, but with small noise. It hangs after the first three tutorials.
–Revision 1230/1239/1272/1292, x86, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity NTSC: {reported by synapze}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Game works perfectly average between 10-30fps, full sound.
–Revision SVN R1180, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Sonic Unleashed NTSC: {reported by yaad}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Cannot get past first level. Stuck on loading screen
–Revision SVN 1239 (also on 1240), x86, OpenGL, Radeon HD4850, Windows Vista Home Premium, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Star Wars: Clone Wars PAL: {reported by aintemp}
EmulationStateId = Other
Nunchuk needed. Quantizers OFF. OK in menus until dolphin crash when going in-game,
–Revision SVN 1178, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PAL: {reported by Vaporizer}
EmulationStateId = Broken
In game with good graphics and sound but nunchuck needed.
–Revision 1180, x64, OpenGL, Windows Server 2008/XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - R1195 {reported by aintemp}
Nunchuk needed. OK in menus until dolphin crash when going in-game.
–Revision SVN 1195, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - R1312 {reported by TomskDiver}
Dolphin crashes.
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Super Fruit Fall: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
It’s playable and does save and load fine, but you need to disable Dual Core and Idle Skipping for these features to work.
–Revision SVN 1122, x86, Direct3D, GeForce 7950, Windows XP, DSP-Null, Wiimote Test 0.1

Super Paper Mario PAL: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Other
The game crashes under the introduction/beginning. It turns black after some scences, but no crash and no errormessage.
–Revision SVN R 1092, -x86, - Windows Vista, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+, - Wiimote Test 0.1

Additional information: This game is also saveable after R1086.

Updates - SVN 1172:
Super Paper Mario intro and beginning now has clear sound. But it’s still locks up during beginning before you’re getting to the actual gameplay.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl NTSC: {reported by daxtsu}
EmulationStateId = Menus

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Game is 60fps in battles and between 30 - 45 out of battle, with sound. Cannot save in game and freezes after the second battle. (The sound loops).
–Revision 1180, x86, OpenGL, Dolphin HLE, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tenchu 4 JAP:
EmulationStateId = In Game
This game plays fine with SVN r1259. Dual Core disabled. Idle Skipping enabled. Using Dolphin OpenGL and DSP-HLE. Use projection hack before r945 to see on screen instructions. The game freezes after you win the first mission.
–Revision SVN 1259, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Playable
Controlls work.DC unstable SC works. No sound.
–Revision SVN 1590, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tiger Woods 08 NTSC: {reported by aintemp}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Sound works. Wiimote seems OK. Only text missing or misplaced.
–Revision SVN 1178, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista,DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tiger Woods 09 PAL: {reported by aintemp}
EmulationStateId = Other
Freezing at the main title.
–Revision SVN 1178, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Trauma Center: New Blood: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Hangs trying to load, no error.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wario Land: Shake It: {reported by beatlep}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
The game is fully playable with sound using OpenGL. DirectX has some graphics artifacts.
–Revision SVN 1171, - x64/x86, - Windows Vista/XP, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - Wiimote Test 0.1

Wii Music PAL: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Broken
The game is booting fine. I’m creating a save file, and then Dolphin hangs.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, Windows Vista , DSP-HLE Plugin, AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ 2.8GHz, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wii Play PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = In Game
You must disable the optimize quantizers. Has some graphical issues and I can use the Mii that’s inside my Wiimote.
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, Direct3D, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wii Sports PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = In Game
You must disable the optimize quantizers. Has some graphical issues and I can use the Mii that’s inside my Wiimote.
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, Direct3D, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Sound is perfect. In game 45fps. Has minimal graphical issues in some games.
–Revision SVN 1259, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros’ Treasure USA {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Wiimote stops workin when you walk around for a few minutes.

Everything’s fine with the title screen but it has an blinking a lot on the screen. The ingame is kinda slow/normal speed in between and has a little bit glitchy Graphics and also blink a lot. They flash one frame, then they flash a black frame, and so on.

It’s the title screen which didn’t show up but the background is visible just fine. The ingame is slow a little bit than x64 version and has a little bit glitches Graphic . The ingame with fonts is visible okay but inset box is invisible.

–Revision SVN 1106, x64, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GT, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Region: PAL
Category: Ingame
Use SMG hack 1+2 for ingame graphics.
Speed: 25 FPS ingame with DC mode enabled on Core2Duo 2,57 GhZ

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party (PAL): Broken {reported by TomskDiver}
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, WinXP Prof SP3, DSP-HLE, x360 + WiiMote
On loading PANIC! message: "IPC CommandDisconnect: WiiMote emulation is out of sync. ….."

Call of Duty: World at War (PAL): Broken {reported by TomskDiver}
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, WinXP Prof SP3, DSP-HLE, x360 + WiiMote
After copyright screen PANIC! message: "stwcxd - suspicious instruction"

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PAL): Broken {reported by TomskDiver}
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, WinXP Prof SP3, DSP-HLE, x360 + WiiMote
Dolphin crash. Exception info:

The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
thanks to the emulated wiimote on keyboard I got past the intro/beginning screen! Cut scene play well at a constant 60 fps on my system and 40+ fps ingame Sounds in cut scene is perfect but ingame sounds will kill your ear due to loud squeaking noises, but it still has normal sound so basically you are hearing both the game sounds and the loud squeaking noise at the same time!!

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world(NTSC)

OpenGL has some serious graphical bugs, the textures are rendered offset, no sound in the intro, other sounds with exception of some music is ok

DX is rendering everything perfectly, except for some sprites, which alpha-channels seem to be reversed("see-though" areas are black and colors are "mirrored"), no sound in the intro either, other sounds with exception of some music is ok

MARIO & SONIC At The OlympicGames

Intro ok,menu ok,then goes into the saving screen then crash with no error messages

EmulationStateId = other
Revision SVN 1316, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 8400M GT, Windows 7 , DSP-HLE Plugin

Prince of Persia : Rival Swords
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Nunchuck works perfect. Speed is perfect with Dual Core, Dynarec and Idle skipping ,OptimizeQuantizers turned on. Sound is perfect, NO NOISE.
Revision 1316, x86, OpenGL/DirectX, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote plug-in
All is perfect ,but one problem , YOu cant save, when you try to save the game freez , for that you can use savestate (it works only you you are ingame)
update: broken
Revision 1614, x86, OpenGL/DirectX, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote plug-in
Memory read error.

Cooking Mama PAL:
EmulationStateId = PLayable
Is very fast but graphic no fully this is very hard playing.
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windws xp , DSP-HLE Plugin,, Wiimote 0.1

Excite Truck PAl:
EmulationStateId = Other
The game freezes on booting, it doesn’t crash or gives any error- or/and panicmessages
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Samba de amigo PAl:
EmulationStateId = Other
The game error on booting, it doesn’t crash or gives any error- or/and panicmessages
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Wii fit Pal:
EmulationStateId = Other
The game it see..sound and graphic fine but this need start are balance board
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Petz Sports:
EmulationStateId = Other
Error boot this . and panic menssage
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party PAL: {reported by drwilsonng}
EmulationStateId = Intro

Shows the Intro ,but no sounds.
If you click (A) or let the Intro playback
A windows shows as attached files
After click OK , game Freeze

–SVN R1324, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Game: Eternal Darkness - Sanity’s Requiem
Version: NTSC
Genre: Survival Horror
Status: nothing

r1330, OGL, x86, HLE

Guilty Gear XX ntsc
Works perfectly at full speed, fully playable with sound.
Graphics and sound are excellent at 1920×1200 res.
–Revision SVN 1378, x64, OpenGL, Dual core etc all enabled, HLE sound, classic controller.

Kaze No Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (JAPAN):

It is fully playable with rev 1378 and save works! The intro’s graphics looks almost perfect but ingame graphic is 100% perfect as far as I can tell. The speed is so fast with dual core on but if you disable dual core and the speed will be fully speed just fine! You can also use gamepad or wiimote either way. It is highly recommend!!!!!
–Revision SVN 1378, x64, OpenGL, disabled Use EuRGB60 Model (PAL6) , Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Plug-in

Nights into Dream
Really slow. Graphics perfect besides some text.
Rev 1590

DECA Sports PAL:
EmulationStateId = Other
Error in memory after loading addias page
–Revision SVN 1420, opengl, Windows XP x86, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Sports Party:
EmulationStateId = Other
Only dart game can be play successfully, other game hang at loading screen. Need hack to show score table
–Revision SVN 1420, opengl, Windows XP x86, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

SSX Blur PAL: {reported by GekkeGek}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Lots of errors, doesn’t even start
–Dolphin SVN R1449, Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz, OpenGL and DX9, Windows Vista Ultimate, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tatsunoko vs Capcom {reported by Typheus}
Emulation StatId = In Game
Can get through opening sequence, to main menu, and mini games. Seldom does it reach actual battles
–Revision SVN 1518, x64, OpenGL, AMD Athlon X2 64, Windows Vista 32, DSP-HLE Plugin, Dolphin Wiimote Plugin

zack and wiki:Ingame.
Flickering of the video and a problem with the layer priority (icons in the upper left side are behind other layer insteadf of first place)
sound: perfect
wiimote: perfect

–DolphinR1528,x32, E9600 , Open GL and DX 9 (more gliches), DSP-H

16-03-2009, 11:22:43
muito bom hein jeffers, pena que pra se aproveitar 100% a emulação do wii, você tenha que ter um wiimote (obvío que seria meio impossivel emular um)

16-03-2009, 15:32:49
muito bom hein jeffers, pena que pra se aproveitar 100% a emulação do wii, você tenha que ter um wiimote (obvío que seria meio impossivel emular um)

O mouse ajuda.Ja usei aqui.:D

25-03-2009, 11:19:50
Galera preciso de ajuda, nao sei qual melhor configuração para minha maquina eu uso no pcs2x pra rodar legal,
minha maquina é:
Placa-mãe INTEL DG31PR
VGA 8600 GT

25-03-2009, 16:00:11
o pcsx2 0.9.6 ta rodando perfeito aqui, sem slows nem nada..

25-03-2009, 16:12:30
Testei o 0.9.4 aqui no meu PC faz um tempo e ficou um cocozão enorme. Precisa mesmo é de um bom Quad Core huahauahuah

25-05-2009, 17:41:52

Mame 0.131u2 (http://mamedev.org/updates/0131u2_diff.zip)


MAME foreva :D, os melhores jogos de luta, de longe, estão no arcade :D

Lista de mudanças (em inglês)


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03173: [Sound] Many sets using atarijsa.c: Audio samples are
incorrectly pitched (Phil Bennett)
- 03171: [Crash/Freeze] pang, spang, pompingw, pkladies: Ram error
during the boot checking of the games. (Pierpaolo Prazzoli)
- 03170: [Sound] mtrap and clones: Sound effects cycle constantly
while playing (Fabio Priuli)
- 03169: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in hvyunit.c: Access Violation
(Angelo Salese)
- 03168: [Sound] All sets in halleys.c: Audio is missing completely
(Fabio Priuli)
- 03167: [Color/Palette] fromancr, fromanc4: Second screen has
incorrect palette/colors (Fabio Priuli)
- 03166: [Graphics] tattass, tattassa: Missing Graphics (Fabio Priuli)
- 03153: [Crash/Freeze] penbros: Access Violation (Mamesick)
- 03163: [Graphics] sailormn, sailormo: Playfield Graphics regression
- 03150: [Crash/Freeze] metmqstr, nmaster: Access Violation (Mamesick)
- 03162: [Sound] baddudes, hbarrel, birdtry, robocop, hippodrm,
ffantasa : Game has no sound at all (Angelo Salese)
- 03147: [Misc.] shtngmst, shtngmst1: wrong sha1 values for shooting
master ic74 (Nicola Salmoria)
- 03160: [Crash/Freeze] tubepb: Access Violation (Fabio Priuli)
- 03152: [Crash/Freeze] All Sets in nss.c: Access Violation
(Fabio Priuli)
- 03151: [Crash/Freeze] jajamaru, mightybj, topgun, vsgshoe: Access
Violation (Fabio Priuli)
- 03154: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in pooyan.c: Access Violation
(Fabio Priuli)
- 03157: [Crash/Freeze] All Sets in policetr.c: Access Violation
(Fabio Priuli)
- 03159: [Crash/Freeze] superchs: Access Violation (Fabio Priuli)
- 03148: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in konamigx.c: Access Violation
(Fabio Priuli)
- 03146: [Compiling] cpu\vtlb.c 64 bit warning: 64bit vs compile
warnings (smf)

Source Changes
Added notes to several drivers indicating specifically that an MCU
is needed for decapping. [Angelo Salese]

Naomi renderer: add all 64 blending modes, and made it anal-retentive
where it comes to position precision. [Olivier Galibert]

Converted Irem M14 HW to tilemaps and cleaned-up the driver.
[Angelo Salese]

Renamed yumefuda.c/hanaroku.c drivers to albazg.c/albazc.c (like they
should be properly named). [Angelo Salese]

Added MCU no dumps for the Grand Striker driver. [Angelo Salese]

Fixed background colors in Alien Command. [Angelo Salese]

Added profile markers to naomi, to see what % of cpu time things are
using. [David Haywood]

Lowered the AY-8910 volumes in the adp driver. [Angelo Salese]

Some Maple fixes, now Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper should be fully
playable. [Angelo Salese]

Added cart info documentation update for the two resent Mega-Tech cart
dumps: Shadow Dancer & Streets of Rage. [Brian Troha]

Merged memory maps in the following remaining drivers and cleaned up
some comments: homedata.c, intrscti.c, inufuku.c, irobot.c, jack.c,
kaneko16.c, naughtyb.c, scobra.c, scramble.c, slapfght.c, spaceg.c.

Fixed Naomi bug in computedilated, was causing bad portraits in
shikgam2. [David Haywood]

Removed second parameter from MDRV_CPU_PROGRAM_MAP, MDRV_CPU_DATA_MAP,
and MDRV_CPU_IO_MAP. For the remaining drivers that used multiple
address maps, converted them to use AM_IMPORT_FROM to import the base
map. [Aaron Giles]

Added bilinear filtering to Naomi video emulation. Textures are still
a bit crawly since we're always using the lowest MIP level.
[MooglyGuy, Aaron Giles]

Short-circuit the naomi rendering in non-textured cases, prevents a
lot of bad graphics. [David Haywood]

Fixed tubepb regression. [Fabio Priuli]

Added MC-8123 key for Gigas. Of course the game still doesn't work
because the program ROM is missing. [Nicola Salmoria]

Applied some of the Naomi exclusive texture mode rules.
[David Haywood]

Added a work-around for the UART FIFO read only status register on the
SH-4 to make Tetris Kiwamemichi happy to boot. It crashes shortly
after that like La Keyboard though (jumps to an unmapped address).
[Angelo Salese]

Hacked the Naomi YUV interrupt to fire when the base register is
written. (Currently looking at implementing properly, but this
prevents KuruCham and SS2005 from hanging). [David Haywood]

Converted namcos2.c, niyanpai.c and nbmj9195.c to use AM_IMPORT_FROM
instead of macros. [Angelo Salese]

Fixed regression for mitchell.c games. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

Added MCU no-dump to Air Buster. [Angelo Salese]

Commented out the ACIA irq, was causing missing bgms in Street
Fighter Zero 3 Upper. [Angelo Salese]

Improved the debugging on the Naomi Wave DMA handler. [Angelo Salese]

Converted DJ Boy memory maps to current standards. [Angelo Salese]

Fixed pipedrm tag problem. [Fabio Priuli]

Fixed ninjakd2 DIPSW and notes. [kanikani]

Fixed a couple of bugs in cave.c and seta2.c introduced with the
memory map merges. [Fabio Priuli]

MCS-51 fixes: [Aaron Giles]
* jb int0,<self> loops are now broken out of if int0 comes and is
* externally-clocked counters only count when enabled
* internal RAM no longer wraps when accessed out of bounds

System 1 changes: [Aaron Giles]
* hooked up 8751 properly
* removed old 8751 hacks
* shuffled Shooting Master sets

Fixed tattass regression from map merging. [Fabio Priuli]

Fixed P2 palette write handlers for fromancr and fromanc4.
[Fabio Priuli]

Fixed halleys.c sound: ay8910 write handlers work on two bytes.
[Fabio Priuli]

Marked polystar, hellngt and totlvice CHDs as bad. Will be replaced
soon. [Guru]

Added missing YMZ280B ROM to evilngt/hellngt. [Guru]

Fixed regression on homedata.c driver. [Angelo Salese]

Fixed Legend of Makai regression. [Angelo Salese]

Removed "BAD_DUMP" from the Red Baron AVG bprom, it has been verified
correct (contents and label) by the Dumping Union. [Smitdogg]

Improved the single board 4p mode in Kick N Run / Mexico 86. It
basically works but 2p mode is broken so I still keep it as disabled
by default. [Angelo Salese]

Fixed Kiki Kai Kai exception. [Angelo Salese]

Dumped io board rom to Dynamic Golf. [Guru]

Fixed King Derby sprites wrap-around and flip x positioning.
[Angelo Salese]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
PT Reach Mahjong [Angelo Salese]
Otenami Haiken (V2.04J) [Joerg Hartenberger, Guru]
Shanghai Sangokuhai Tougi (Ver 2.01J) [Joerg Hartenberger, Guru]
Choplifter (8751 315-5151) [The Decapping Project, Aaron Giles]
Shooting Master (EVG, 8751 315-5159a)
[The Decapping Project, Aaron Giles]
Noboranka [The Decapping Project, Aaron Giles]

New clones added
Samurai Nihon-ichi (set 3, harder) [f205v]
Hatris (US) [Andrew Welburn]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
IQ Pipe [SoftwareThis]

02-10-2009, 23:31:52
Ola galera sou novo aki , mas eu vou lancar meio que uma duvida que nem eu mesmo testei nao sei nem se eu tou no topico certo eu tenho um pc O.o e baixei um emuladore de nintendo wii doplhi ... estou baixando tbm o zelda twilght princess minha net ta muito ruim mas agora vou mudar pra 1 mega , meu pc [e muito bom ele tem 3giga de memoria ram , placa de video GeForece 9500 ... o processador eu me esqueci a enumeraCao tou fora de casa nesse instante ... mais oia gostaria muito que vcs mi ajudassem nisso e me dicessem se eu preciso de mais alguma coisa como um controle e coisa e tal do nintendo wii ou fazer algo vcs me digam por favor veio .... agradeco a colaboracao !:confused:

05-10-2009, 22:14:53
Lista de compatibilidade de jogos do Wii com o novo emulador do GameCube [Atualizada]

-*Game Title*: *reason* {reported by *your profile name*}
–Revision *#*, *x86 or x64*, *OpenGL or Direct3D*, *CPU type*, *OS version*, *Audio Plugin*, *Input Plugin

or also what bugs have been fixed in new revisions of Dolphin.

I’m listing the games in alphabetical order…

Balls of Fury PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = Broken
It says "Please insert Balls of Fury game disc".
–Revision 1166 [all revisions really], x86/x64, OpenGL and DX9, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Baroque: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Goes in game but you will have a seizure trying to play the game as it looks like a constant strobe light is on the screen.
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - SVN r1172:
Random crashes and screen is having a seizure.

Battalion Wars 2 PAL: {reported by Vaporizer}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
In game with good graphics and sound but nunchuck needed.
–Revision 1180, x64, OpenGL, Windows Server 2008/XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Bleach: Shattered Blade: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Fully playable with sound at full speed (can not save game)
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Bust-A-Move: {reported by Gnen}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Fully playable with sound at full speed.
–Revision SVN 1210, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GT, Windows XP SP3, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Captain Rainbow NTSC-J: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Playable
You will have to disable Dual Core or it won’t show up at all. Graphics are not perfect.

Updates - R1219: {reported by RockmanForte}
Title screen show for the first time but freezes.

Updates - R1274: {reported by RockmanForte}
Playable at last. Revision SVN 1274. The graphics is not perfect.

Castlevania Judgement USA: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Playable
Everything is perfect in Dolphin rev 1230 and save works! In game graphics looks fine to me and great speed. You can use gamepad. freezes in vs and training.
–Revision SVN 1230, x64, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Call of Duty: World at War (PAL): {reported by TomskDiver}
EmulationStateId = Broken
After copyright screen, PANIC! message: "stwcxd - suspicious instruction"
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Disaster - Day of Crisis PAL: {reported by ChaosHeart}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Video Intro works with sound. In game with good graphics and sound but nunchuck needed. Little error for black screen in the bottom is fixable in Game, > Options > Adjust Screen.
Revision 1177, x86, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Windows Vista, Wiimote Test 0.1

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3: {reported by locazoo}
EmulationStateId = Playable
It’s like blue filter in the screen (exept for the intro video, the colours are normal).
Plays music and some sounds. Runs slow in the menu but playable.must use gamecube controls.
–SVN R 1590 x64, OpenGL, Windows Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Face Breaker: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Goes in game and plays around 10fps. No menues, so you must get to the fight by guessing. Will randomly lock up in game.
–Revision SVN R1180, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Far Cry Vengeance: {reported by synapze}
EmulationStateId = Other
Loads Intro Movie. Gets to "Start" Menu then hangs. (Sound works great the entire time)
–Revision SVN R1180, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn NTSC: {reported by adaml75}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Goes in game, plays music (but no battle sounds). Pretty good speed (30 fps on Quad 6600). Doesn’t save game, says it’s impossible to save. Has some annoying graphical glitches (especially when casting spells). Almost playable overall, doesn’t hang anywhere (but didn’t spend much time on it).
–SVN R 1172, x64, OpenGL, Windows Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Playable
Goes in game now graphic glitches.
–Revision SVN 1590, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Fun Sports Ice Hockey PAL: {reported by solidesnake}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Nunchuck works perfect. Speed is perfect with Dual Core, Dynarec and Idle skipping turned on. Sound is perfect, little noise in game.
Revision 1212, x86, OpenGL/DirectX, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Gintama Banji Oku Chuubu JAP:
EmulationStateId = Broken
This game unfortunetly just doesn’t show anything , just hangs, (black screen).
–Revision 1230/1239/1272/1292 x86, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Plugin

Ghost Squad: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
–Revision SVN 1093, - x64, - Windows Vista/XP, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - Not reported, - Wiimote Test 0.1

Harvest Moon: Magical Melody PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = Other
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, Direct3D, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

House of the Dead 2 & 3 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
100% perfect at full speed with sound and save game.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - R1219 {reported by RockmanForte}
House of the Dead 3 works fine but House of the Dead 2 have an error panic and also after your shell is empty. You cannot reload it. It is very difficult to reload your shotgun.

Kororinpa PAL: {reported by Super Nest}
EmulationStateId = Other
Doesn’t pass the title screen in 1230 (and former releases). It says: "Press start button" but nothing happens. Lots of glitches too.
–Revision SVN 1230, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Link’s Crossbow Training NTSC-U: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Playable and no graphics errors, but Wiimote is inaccurate and you can’t shoot below, which makes it more difficult. Nunchuck is emulated!
–Revision SVN 1219, x64, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GT, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Mario Kart Wii PAL/NTSC-U: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Playable
look at link for all info:http://forums.ngemu.com/dolphin-disc…al-thread.html
–Revision SVN 1122, x86, OpenGL, Windows Vista , DSP-HLE Plugin, AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ 2.8GHz, Wiimote Test 0.1

Mario Party 8 PAL: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
No panicmessages at boot anymore as the previous revisions. When I’m ready for playing the game after selecting character and stage, the game crashes, resulting in a memory error. You can browse around menus, but you can’t play.
–Revision SVN R 1157, -x86, - Windows Vista, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+, - Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - SVN 1172:
Sound is working just fine and clear with shiny sound effects. But, you still can’t create a save file. It’s resulting in this panicmessage: "CWII_IPC_HLE_Device_fs::IOCtl: ni 0×2".

Mario Strikers Charged Football NTSC-U/PAL: {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Playable

Updates - SVN R1230 {reported by ChaosHeart}
Works perfect in Dolphin rev 1230, but without save.
Game intro: very good quality, but no sound.

In game: Graphics is perfect. Full speed at 30-40 FPS and the nunchuk is emulated with this steering buttons 2, 4, 6, 8 on numpad.
"S" hits the enemy, "A" pass the ball, "B" shoot or mega shoot, "C" uses item.
–Revision SVN 1230, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GTX, Windows Vista Ultimate, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1 (extension connected)

Metal Slug Anthology: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Intro plays at full speed with sound then crashes.
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

05-10-2009, 22:17:05
Parte 2

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption NTSC: {reported by daxstu}
EmulationStateId = Status: Title Screen/Menus

Lots of graphical corruption on the title screen[flickers like hell], and pops up an error about save data[I think, it's garbled so I can't read it, but I think I saw the word save in it]. There’s also some laggy and choppy music coming out on the title screen.

Monopoly Wii: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Gives an error just trying to boot.
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

My Sims Kingdom: {reported by Player594}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
The game works great. Controls are spot on and graphics are near perfect. Sound is missing, voices and a few background sounds. Controls works fine too. Game saves fine.
–Rev 1219 , x86, OpenGL, P4 3.2 HT, XP Home, HLE, N-Joy

Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 1: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Both play nearly perfect in game with full(?) speed. Some textures are messed up, but if you reload the screen they will be normal after. "Sometimes when doing a match, the time runs out before it even began."
–Revision SVN 1130, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Other
Works except for story mode with sound only. Minor GFX glitches. You can save if you let it hang the system while saving one time, then have it recreate the save data and it works.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Okami: {reported by ninpo}
EmulationStateId = Other
Boots up, goes into the saving in progress screen then screen goes all white and crashes with no error messages. Also, fps counter is really low on the saving in progress screen.
–Revision SVN 1097 & 1109, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - SVN R1172: {reported by RockmanForte}
Okami is now ingame, but nunchuck is needed.

Updates - SVN R1219: {reported by RockmanForte}
Ingame, Nunchuck emulated, black screen, a flash white at once then press + to skip and got an error panic!
"Read from Invalid memory region (0×4e800128). There is no way to recovery from this error, so Dolphin will now exit. Sorry!"

Updates - SVN R1240:
Breaks after starting new game and first scene, no graphics in scene.
–Revision SVN 1240, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

One Piece: Unlimited Cruise {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
TLB error.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Onechambra Revolution [NTSC] (JAP): {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Plays great with sound at perfect speed. Game saves no problem. Occasional GFX glitches.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Prince of Persia: Dual Sword NTSC:
EmulationStateId = Broken
Since revision 1194, it stops at the nunchuck request, then Dolphin crash.
–Revision SVN 1216, x86, Windows XP SP3, OpenGL and Direct3D, Q6600, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 PAL: {reported by RazLaron}
EmulationStateId = Perfect (for me)
Have problems to create a save and doesn’t like DirectX (graphic bugs). Although that situation, we can play in OpenGL with all textures and even we don’t have nunchuk we can play, thanks to the possibilities of the game (alternative). Good frame rate. Sound: Only some noises. I advise to enable Dual Core and maybe Idle Skipping.
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, OpenGL, Windows Vista , DSP-HLE Plugin, Intel Dual Core 2 DUO 1.87Ghz, Wiimote Test 0.1

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party PAL: {reported by TomskDiver}
EmulationStateId = Broken
On loading… PANIC! message: "IPC CommandDisconnect: WiiMote emulation is out of sync…"
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles: {reported by beatlep}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
–Revision SVN 1093, - x64, Windows Vista/XP x64, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - Not reported, - Wiimote Test 0.1
crashes at the control panel in level.

RTL Winter Sports 2008: {reported by omegadox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Fifo_CPUWritePointer out of bounds during some scene intro
–Revision SVN 1094, x64, OpenGL, AMD Phenom, Windows Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Simple Series Volume 1 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Perfect with sound and full speed.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Simple Series Volume 5 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Has TLB error.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Simple Series Volume 6 {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Plays slow with perfect sound in interp mode.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Spyro: Eternal Night: {reported by omegadox}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Need nunchuck.
–Revision 1094, x64, OpenGL, AMD Phenom, Vista, HLE, Wiimote

Sonic and the Secret Rings [PAL]: {reported by Super Empra}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Got past the menu screen and the game plays fine at a good speed and with clear sound. This game is fully playable.
–Revision 1180, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.40GHz, Win XP Pro, DSP-NULL, Wiimote Test 0.1

playable with 1882
Some gliches and wiard color probs but playable
Sword is flickering but uncheck optimized quantizers make sword fully visible but some weird glitches appeared
No sound in CG movies , when in game saund is work bun out of sync , sometimes FX is missing

Soul Eater Monotone Princess JAP:
EmulationStateId = In Game
Almost perfect sound, but with small noise. It hangs after the first three tutorials.
–Revision 1230/1239/1272/1292, x86, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity NTSC: {reported by synapze}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Game works perfectly average between 10-30fps, full sound.
–Revision SVN R1180, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Sonic Unleashed NTSC: {reported by yaad}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Cannot get past first level. Stuck on loading screen
–Revision SVN 1239 (also on 1240), x86, OpenGL, Radeon HD4850, Windows Vista Home Premium, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Star Wars: Clone Wars PAL: {reported by aintemp}
EmulationStateId = Other
Nunchuk needed. Quantizers OFF. OK in menus until dolphin crash when going in-game,
–Revision SVN 1178, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed PAL: {reported by Vaporizer}
EmulationStateId = Broken
In game with good graphics and sound but nunchuck needed.
–Revision 1180, x64, OpenGL, Windows Server 2008/XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - R1195 {reported by aintemp}
Nunchuk needed. OK in menus until dolphin crash when going in-game.
–Revision SVN 1195, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Updates - R1312 {reported by TomskDiver}
Dolphin crashes.
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Super Fruit Fall: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
It’s playable and does save and load fine, but you need to disable Dual Core and Idle Skipping for these features to work.
–Revision SVN 1122, x86, Direct3D, GeForce 7950, Windows XP, DSP-Null, Wiimote Test 0.1

Super Paper Mario PAL: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Other
The game crashes under the introduction/beginning. It turns black after some scences, but no crash and no errormessage.
–Revision SVN R 1092, -x86, - Windows Vista, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+, - Wiimote Test 0.1

Additional information: This game is also saveable after R1086.

Updates - SVN 1172:
Super Paper Mario intro and beginning now has clear sound. But it’s still locks up during beginning before you’re getting to the actual gameplay.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl NTSC: {reported by daxtsu}
EmulationStateId = ingame

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = In Game
Game is 60fps in battles and between 30 - 45 out of battle, with sound. Cannot save in game and freezes after the second battle. (The sound loops).
–Revision 1180, x86, OpenGL, Dolphin HLE, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tenchu 4 JAP:
EmulationStateId = In Game
This game plays fine with SVN r1259. Dual Core disabled. Idle Skipping enabled. Using Dolphin OpenGL and DSP-HLE. Use projection hack before r945 to see on screen instructions. The game freezes after you win the first mission.
–Revision SVN 1259, OpenGL, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Playable
Controlls work.DC unstable SC works. No sound.
–Revision SVN 1590, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tiger Woods 08 NTSC: {reported by aintemp}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Sound works. Wiimote seems OK. Only text missing or misplaced.
–Revision SVN 1178, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista,DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tiger Woods 09 PAL: {reported by aintemp}
EmulationStateId = Other
Freezing at the main title.
–Revision SVN 1178, x86, OpenGL, Geforce 8800GTS, Vista, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Trauma Center: New Blood: {reported by chrrox}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Hangs trying to load, no error.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 7950, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wario Land: Shake It: {reported by beatlep}
EmulationStateId = Perfect
The game is fully playable with sound using OpenGL. DirectX has some graphics artifacts.
–Revision SVN 1171, - x64/x86, - Windows Vista/XP, - OpenGL, - DSP-HLE Plugin, - Wiimote Test 0.1

05-10-2009, 22:19:49
Parte 3

Wii Music PAL: {reported by Bianc0neri}
EmulationStateId = Broken
The game is booting fine. I’m creating a save file, and then Dolphin hangs.
–Revision SVN 1172, x86, OpenGL, Windows Vista , DSP-HLE Plugin, AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ 2.8GHz, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wii Play PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = In Game
You must disable the optimize quantizers. Has some graphical issues and I can use the Mii that’s inside my Wiimote.
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, Direct3D, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wii Sports PAL: {reported by jonemon1}
EmulationStateId = In Game
You must disable the optimize quantizers. Has some graphical issues and I can use the Mii that’s inside my Wiimote.
–Revision SVN 1166, x86, Direct3D, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Sound is perfect. In game 45fps. Has minimal graphical issues in some games.
–Revision SVN 1259, x86, OpenGL, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros’ Treasure USA {reported by RockmanForte}
EmulationStateId = Ingame
Wiimote stops workin when you walk around for a few minutes.

Everything’s fine with the title screen but it has an blinking a lot on the screen. The ingame is kinda slow/normal speed in between and has a little bit glitchy Graphics and also blink a lot. They flash one frame, then they flash a black frame, and so on.

It’s the title screen which didn’t show up but the background is visible just fine. The ingame is slow a little bit than x64 version and has a little bit glitches Graphic . The ingame with fonts is visible okay but inset box is invisible.

–Revision SVN 1106, x64, OpenGL, GeForce 8800GT, Windows XP , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Region: PAL
Category: Ingame
Use SMG hack 1+2 for ingame graphics.
Speed: 25 FPS ingame with DC mode enabled on Core2Duo 2,57 GhZ

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party (PAL): Broken {reported by TomskDiver}
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, WinXP Prof SP3, DSP-HLE, x360 + WiiMote
On loading PANIC! message: "IPC CommandDisconnect: WiiMote emulation is out of sync. ….."

Call of Duty: World at War (PAL): Broken {reported by TomskDiver}
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, WinXP Prof SP3, DSP-HLE, x360 + WiiMote
After copyright screen PANIC! message: "stwcxd - suspicious instruction"

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PAL): Broken {reported by TomskDiver}
–SVN R1312, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz, WinXP Prof SP3, DSP-HLE, x360 + WiiMote
Dolphin crash. Exception info:

The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
thanks to the emulated wiimote on keyboard I got past the intro/beginning screen! Cut scene play well at a constant 60 fps on my system and 40+ fps ingame Sounds in cut scene is perfect but ingame sounds will kill your ear due to loud squeaking noises, but it still has normal sound so basically you are hearing both the game sounds and the loud squeaking noise at the same time!!

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world(NTSC)

OpenGL has some serious graphical bugs, the textures are rendered offset, no sound in the intro, other sounds with exception of some music is ok

DX is rendering everything perfectly, except for some sprites, which alpha-channels seem to be reversed("see-though" areas are black and colors are "mirrored"), no sound in the intro either, other sounds with exception of some music is ok

MARIO & SONIC At The OlympicGames

Intro ok,menu ok,then goes into the saving screen then crash with no error messages

EmulationStateId = other
Revision SVN 1316, x86, OpenGL, GeForce 8400M GT, Windows 7 , DSP-HLE Plugin

Prince of Persia : Rival Swords
EmulationStateId = Perfect
Nunchuck works perfect. Speed is perfect with Dual Core, Dynarec and Idle skipping ,OptimizeQuantizers turned on. Sound is perfect, NO NOISE.
Revision 1316, x86, OpenGL/DirectX, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote plug-in
All is perfect ,but one problem , YOu cant save, when you try to save the game freez , for that you can use savestate (it works only you you are ingame)
update: broken
Revision 1614, x86, OpenGL/DirectX, Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote plug-in
Memory read error.

Cooking Mama PAL:
EmulationStateId = PLayable
Is very fast but graphic no fully this is very hard playing.
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windws xp , DSP-HLE Plugin,, Wiimote 0.1

Excite Truck PAl:
EmulationStateId = Other
The game freezes on booting, it doesn’t crash or gives any error- or/and panicmessages
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Samba de amigo PAl:
EmulationStateId = Other
The game error on booting, it doesn’t crash or gives any error- or/and panicmessages
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Wii fit Pal:
EmulationStateId = Other
The game it see..sound and graphic fine but this need start are balance board
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Petz Sports:
EmulationStateId = Other
Error boot this . and panic menssage
–Revision SVN 1324, x86, OpenGL, Windows xp , DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party PAL: {reported by drwilsonng}
EmulationStateId = Intro

Shows the Intro ,but no sounds.
If you click (A) or let the Intro playback
A windows shows as attached files
After click OK , game Freeze

–SVN R1324, x86, OpenGL, Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHz, Windows XP, DSP-HLE, Wiimote Plugin

Game: Eternal Darkness - Sanity’s Requiem
Version: NTSC
Genre: Survival Horror
Status: nothing

r1330, OGL, x86, HLE

Guilty Gear XX ntsc
Works perfectly at full speed, fully playable with sound.
Graphics and sound are excellent at 1920×1200 res.
–Revision SVN 1378, x64, OpenGL, Dual core etc all enabled, HLE sound, classic controller.

Kaze No Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (JAPAN):

It is fully playable with rev 1378 and save works! The intro’s graphics looks almost perfect but ingame graphic is 100% perfect as far as I can tell. The speed is so fast with dual core on but if you disable dual core and the speed will be fully speed just fine! You can also use gamepad or wiimote either way. It is highly recommend!!!!!
–Revision SVN 1378, x64, OpenGL, disabled Use EuRGB60 Model (PAL6) , Windows XP, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Plug-in

Nights into Dream
Really slow. Graphics perfect besides some text.
Rev 1590

DECA Sports PAL:
EmulationStateId = Other
Error in memory after loading addias page
–Revision SVN 1420, opengl, Windows XP x86, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

Sports Party:
EmulationStateId = Other
Only dart game can be play successfully, other game hang at loading screen. Need hack to show score table
–Revision SVN 1420, opengl, Windows XP x86, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote 0.1

SSX Blur PAL: {reported by GekkeGek}
EmulationStateId = Broken
Lots of errors, doesn’t even start
–Dolphin SVN R1449, Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz, OpenGL and DX9, Windows Vista Ultimate, DSP-HLE Plugin, Wiimote Test 0.1

Tatsunoko vs Capcom {reported by Typheus}
Emulation StatId =playable
playable all works
–Revision SVN 2665, x64, OpenGL, AMD Athlon X2 64, Windows Vista 32, DSP-HLE Plugin, Dolphin Wiimote Plugin

zack and wiki:Ingame.
Flickering of the video and a problem with the layer priority (icons in the upper left side are behind other layer insteadf of first place)
sound: perfect
wiimote: perfect

Dead Rising: Playable rev-2666

Créditos/fonte: NGEmu.com (www.ngemu.com)

05-10-2009, 22:26:14
Lista de jogos baseada na release do emulador Dolphin SVN r3972, que pode ser encontrado no site oficial do emulador nas versões para Windows 32/64bits e Linux.


17-11-2009, 11:20:20
Dolphin SVN's - Que são pequenas atualizações frequentemente lancadas pela equipe de desenvolvimento deste otímo emulador de GameCube/Wii, acompanhem as atualizações por este site:


24-12-2009, 18:13:18
Bah! Peguei o Dolphin, testei o Crash Bandicoot e ficou muito devagar, a 15-25 FPS... desisto de rodar emulador de PS2/GC aqui nesse meu PC!

04-02-2010, 13:20:01
Dolphin SVN R5003 - F1 2009 (Wii)
DX9 (@720x480+Safe Texture Cache)

Rodando sem erros gráficos a principio, más falta velocidade (culpa do meu X2 5000)



Testei o New Super Mario Wii também, sofre do mesmo problema de velocidade, más na parte que envolve gráficos/audio, a emulação está quase perfeita

04-02-2010, 16:14:59
Pô to mó afinzão de jogar Twilight Princess e SSBB mais vi que pega sem som e devagar, ai desisti to quase comprando um Wii mesmo :(

09-02-2010, 14:30:45
Obrigado pelo topico com certeza ira ajudar muitos

17-02-2010, 09:36:52
Pô to mó afinzão de jogar Twilight Princess e SSBB mais vi que pega sem som e devagar, ai desisti to quase comprando um Wii mesmo :(

Você quer jogar Twilight Princess de Wii? O de Game Cube roda perfeitíssimo...

17-02-2010, 17:42:42
Você quer jogar Twilight Princess de Wii? O de Game Cube roda perfeitíssimo...

Sério? não pra mim tanto faz, não sabia que o do GC pegava bem, achei que era a mesma coisa do Wii :( opa vou procurar aqui até animou :D

08-04-2010, 21:14:08
os caras já estão perto da perfeição pro emulador de wii muito bom mesmo

Game Maníaco
10-03-2011, 14:32:01
Alguém ae tem a ROM do Pokemon Black que rode perfeito? e algum emulador compatível?

10-03-2011, 18:40:33
Alguém ae tem a ROM do Pokemon Black que rode perfeito? e algum emulador compatível?

De acordo com as regras do fórum, pedido de links para downloads de Roms e proíbido.