View Full Version : Modern Warfare 2 para PC não será adiado e chegará ao Steam (23/10/2009-22h16)

23-10-2009, 22:30:16

Leia na íntegra... (http://gamesbrasil.uol.com.br/conteudo.php?categoria=noticias&id=40228&cod=CON1256343433CO&old=0&pagina=1)

25-10-2009, 00:42:51
Ufa, deixa eu tentar terminar shift aqui então porque senão nem termino se sair o CoD antes :D

25-10-2009, 06:53:06
Ufa, deixa eu tentar terminar shift aqui então porque senão nem termino se sair o CoD antes :D

uhauhauhauha essa aliviou eim guedão? :p

mas tipo, vc q deve estar por dentro de todas as news sobre o MW2, ficou certo a parada dos servidores? tipo nao terá servers dedicados msm?

25-10-2009, 14:41:57
uhauhauhauha essa aliviou eim guedão? :p

mas tipo, vc q deve estar por dentro de todas as news sobre o MW2, ficou certo a parada dos servidores? tipo nao terá servers dedicados msm?
Sim, até então é isso que vai ser, to pensando em nem comprar mais, já que isso mata o jogo, transformaram o mp dele num sistema tipo os dos consoles, vc não poderá escolher servidor, entra onde tem vaga, os servidores serão da IW, ou seja, nunca vc vai saber onde tá jogando e o mais foda, pingão de 200 na vêia e os gringos adorando te tecar toda hora, dae eu passo. Cara se fizerem isso mesmo vai ser o maior tiro no pé da história, jogo que promete ter a maior venda e se manter ali durante uma grande parte da história das vendagens vai perder 90% dos fiéis FPS gamers que amam o jogo. Falam que é pra melhorar o sistema pra todos, mas imagina um cara querendo jogar com seus amigos e nunca acha eles dentro do jogo? Entra inspirado doido pra dar uns HS e só toma? Vai pra merda IW nem compro mais se for assim mesmo.

Olha isso Hell:

Dedicated Servers vs ...

Official word from Infinity Ward explains their decision to switch to IWNET matchmaking.

Last couple of days have not been easy for Infinity Ward. After they released the news that they switched dedicated servers support for their own matchmaking system, the PC community exploded. When looked at it objectively it's a wise decision that Infinity Ward has made. It means the vast majority will enjoy the game better because they will play against players their own skill and minimal lag. You will not have to search for the best server and you won't play against gamers that are way better than you are. On the other side, all the hardcore PC gamers will loose functionality that they have loved so much all these years. They will not be able to install their own dedicated server, which means mods (promod, paintball mod, Star Wars mod) will also disappear. Another bad thing could be that you will not be able to play online when the IWNET is up for maintenance or having technical problems (as seen on consoles many times before).

We believe Infinity Ward knows what they're doing and it will work out for the best - in most cases. We do feel sorry for everyone that has spend so much time, money and effort into getting servers up for gamers all around the world - which will now not be supported in Modern Warfare 2.

Words by Vince Zampella and Jason West
Official word from Vince Zampella (CEO Infinity Ward) and Jason West (project leader) state the following:

Source: Gameinformer »
"We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners," says West. He points toward the mounting feedback IW has received from PC fans of Modern Warfare who couldn't find a decent server to play on between all of the cheaters, the insular communities, and huge skill level disparities that the original game's community fractured into. "We thought maybe it would be cool if the fans could play the game," he laughs.

IW says that gameplay concerns for the majority of MW2 players are the overriding reasons for the decision. Zampella downplays the obvious piracy prevention angle (IW has cited numbers of people online playing illegal copies of Modern Warfare up to 60 percent). "The Steam stuff helps with the piracy. I don't know that the matchmaking stuff does," he notes. West takes a shot at the motives behind some of the outrage, noting that there's money to made by selling dedicated servers and adspace on them: "It's a little dubious. Some of the people complaining are complaining with their pocketbook."

Again and again during our conversation, West and Zampella hammer the point that hardcore PC players lose very little to this change relative to the returns that casual to moderate fans will see. Clans can set up private matches to do their training or what have you; all they lose is the ability to customize the game on a deeper level with mods and such. Infinity Ward sees the addition of solid matchmaking and community support like IW-run tournaments to the PC as a huge win, and not something that could be done under the old system.

Why not have both? West does not want to include dedicated servers alongside the custom-built backend, stating that it would just "bifurcate the community."

Words by Robert Bowling
Robert also added an article on his personal blog, to explain things his way.

Source: Fourzerotwo.com »
Matchmaking and Smoother gameplay
[..] it will automatically find you a game with the best performance, ping, and preferences based on your location and individual connection as well as matching you with players of your same SKILL. So you’re always guaranteed the best game performance for where you are and what connection you’re playing on as well as an equal game with other players of your same skill level, not rank, but skill level. It doesn’t mean you’ll just be thrown into a random game! It will put you in the game that will give you the smoothest gameplay possible without you having to manually find a server with the best ping.

Playlists and private matches
[..] However, say you’re in a clan and you want to play a Clan match with another team, or you want to practice for an upcoming tournament that has specific rules in a private game. Then you can start a Private Match (which is essentially like running your own private server) where you have complete control over the rules, who can join, boot players you don’t want, and essentially control the entire game or tweak it to your liking. [..]

Cheat / Hack Free Games
The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don’t have to worry about joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters. Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it. Modern Warfare 2 on PC allows us to control the quality of the game much more than ever before as well as utilizing the VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) system to keep games clean of hackers and cheaters.

All in all, IWNET adds a load of new features that the PC version of our games have never had before and allows us an infrastructure to continue to update and improve on the game post-launch.

Agora me pergunto, vão colocar servidore IWNET nos estados do BR? Que dirá pelo menos um no BR? Quiçá na América Latina??? :rolleyes:
Fumou o jogo :(

27-10-2009, 00:36:35
é...essas mudanças vao dizimar a comunidade do CoD pra PC, mas po, o q custava deixar os jogadores criarem seus servidores dedicados pelo menos ne

logo eles q foram sempre tao bacanas com a comunidade, agora meio q viram as costas pra mesma :/
