View Full Version : unreal 2k3 saiu

Call Me God
28-09-2002, 11:25:23
hehe vamo ve... 3 cds... aff...
um deve ser p/ roda em linux neh ?

positive vibration
28-09-2002, 11:31:06

28-09-2002, 12:34:18
é,apenas 145x15mb,ja baixei 1 giga dele e falta mais 1 giga e poko :( q dureza :/ mas nem se fosse uns 5 cd iria deixar de baixar :D


obs: nao me peçam links :P

positive vibration
28-09-2002, 12:53:52
meu vlho amigao edonkei esta me ajudando novamente:D

va foi postado link na sharereactor

28-09-2002, 13:05:45
Ae Hell kra sai o jogo e um dia depois vc tem que conex vc tem ae nos japa?

28-09-2002, 13:57:37
Originalmente enviada por God.Roma
Ae Hell kra sai o jogo e um dia depois vc tem que conex vc tem ae nos japa?

link basico de 2mb mas o up é podre,apenas 512k :(

essa é a linha basica de adsl,acima dessa tem 8mb/1.5mb e fibra de 10mb e 100mb mas q nao passa onde moro infelizmente :(


28-09-2002, 14:44:48
Originalmente enviada por -=Hell()weeN=-

link basico de 2mb mas o up é podre,apenas 512k :(

essa é a linha basica de adsl,acima dessa tem 8mb/1.5mb e fibra de 10mb e 100mb mas q nao passa onde moro infelizmente :(


Pô só 512 de up? Hahahahahaha tipo meu down é 512 e o kra reclama. Porra 2 mb kralho imagina q apelão o kra baixa em até 250 kb/s :eek: Putz ae em Japa deve ser outra coisa, tipo 56k os kra nem deve saber o que é hehehe :o

28-09-2002, 15:56:46
terminei :)
apesar da conexao nao peguei muitos links bons mas levei cerca de 9 horas p/baixa tudo,um total de 2,01GB :O

to podre,essa operacao UT2k3 me dexo cansado,vo durmi ae amanha bem cedo ja vo keima ele p/v a parrada :)


28-09-2002, 15:58:10
haha, olha os XXX do cara

positive vibration
28-09-2002, 16:17:40
ae maniaco sexual!! auhauhauh

ow o q sao o 2º e o 3º cd do ut2k3??

(soh to pegando o primero..)

28-09-2002, 18:33:18
aqui tmb ta vindo bem hehe
olha o cara scooby doo mesom varsao que eu puxei hee

28-09-2002, 21:57:27
po galera a carne é fraca heheheheh,nem só de games vive um homen ehheeeeh alias faço coleçao dos videos da Private pq só tem gata neles :P,dexa eu ir queima o UT,vamo v se vai precisa do terceiro cd :/


29-09-2002, 02:01:04
blz! tira essa duvida doq é o 3 cd

29-09-2002, 06:54:23
bom,achei estranho pq na instalacao pede o cd3 mas é pra instala directx,como nao preciso instala cancelei ae termino a instalacao e fui joga,tudo aparenetmente trankilow entao creio q nao precisa caso tiver o directx 8.1 no micro :).

Conteudo do cd 3:

Unreal Tournament 2003 "README" notes - Additional CD content

This Bonus CD contains the following:

UPainter by Right Hemisphere is a painting and editing
application for customizing Unreal Tournament 2003 characters.
It interfaces directly with the installed retail version
of Unreal Tournament 2003 and uses a similar, familiar interface.
Characters can be loaded into the interface and customized
using different paint, brush and texture effects.
A face editing component lets you import a digital image and
place it on an existing Unreal Tournament 2003 character.
For installation instructions, see the Readme.txt file in
the Extras\UPaint folder. Once installed, detailed usage
information is available from the Help menu inside the program.

Maya (R) 4.0.1 Personal Learning Edition - UT 2003 Edition
Create high quality models and animations using an exclusive
customized version of the Maya Personal Learning Edition.
It comes with an 'unEditor' plugin to export content into
the UT2003 editor. The self-installer in the Extras\MayaPLE
folder requires you to register online; detailed instructions
are displayed on startup.
For notes on the special setup requirements to use Maya PLE
with the Unreal 2003 Editor, refer to the online documentation
available once installed.

KAT - UT2003 edition 1.2
KAT is MathEngine's Karma Authoring Tool. It is used for setting up
the physics properties of characters when they are in 'ragdoll' mode.
This includes configuring joint types and limits, bone weights,
centers of mass etc. With KAT you can import your own .PSK file
containing a new character, set up the physical skeleton and save
it into a .ka file to be used in UT2003.

A selection of video drivers, current at the time this CD was produced.

Useful web links

Visit for the latest updates, patches, and community events:


Explore the Unreal Developer Network: frequently updated documentation
including extensive tutorials for programmers, mod authors, and
enthusiasts, straight from the Epic development team and other
teams using Unreal Technology:


Copyright notice

UPaint ©2002 Right Hemisphere Ltd. and ©2002 Epic Games, Inc. Raleigh,

Maya is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. exclusively used
by Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited and the Maya
logo and Maya Personal Learning Edition are trademarks of Alias|Wavefront,
a division of Silicon Graphics Limited.

UnEditor plugin ©2002 Secret Level and ©2002 Epic Games, Inc. Raleigh,

MathEngine and Karma and the MathEngine and Karma logos are registered
trade marks or trade marks of MathEngine PLC, used under license.

Unreal® Tournament 2003 ©2002 Epic Games, Inc. Raleigh, N.C. USA.

Unreal and the Unreal logo are registered trademarks of Epic Games,

All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their
respective owners.