View Full Version : TCPA / Palladium - Quando voce imagina que o pior ainda está por vir (Ingles)

09-10-2002, 02:54:34
Uma leitura interessante sobre os novos processadores da Intel e o novo OS da Microsoft...PUTZ... vou ter que mudar pra AMD heheheh

http://www.datazap.net/free/blowsfxp/TCPA - Palladium FAQ.htm

09-10-2002, 10:11:28
QUe beleza hein?

The Mafia might use the same facilities: they could arrange that the spreadhseet with the latest drug shipments can only be read on accredited Mafia PCs, and will vanish at the end of the month

que beleeeeeeza!

a mafia deve estar pulando de alegria!


10. OK, so TCPA stops kids ripping off music and will help companies keep data confidential. It may help the Mafia too, unless the FBI get a back door, which I assume they will. But apart from pirates, industrial spies and activists, who has a problem with it?

A lot of companies stand to lose out. For example, the European smartcard industry looks likely to be hurt, as the functions now provided by their products migrate into the Fritz chips in peoples' laptops, PDAs and third generation mobile phones. In fact, much of the information security industry may be upset if TCPA takes off. Microsoft claims that Palladium will stop spam, viruses and just about every other bad thing in cyberspace - if so, then the antivirus companies, the spammers, the spam-filter vendors, the firewall firms and the intrusion detection folk could all have their lunch stolen.

ahuah to pagando pra ver
os mane nem se tocam que mesmo se fizerem tudo isso eh bemsimples
pessoas que quererm ripar cds ou dvds

a disney tera um sistema de protecao que eu rio
ahauah vc poe o dvd e ele pede um "serial" que eh baixado da net pra vc assistir
ahauahuah nem comento!

So after the Soviet Union's attempts to register and control all typewriters and fax machines, TCPA attempts to register and control all computers. The implications for liberty, democracy and justice are worrying.

HEHEH eh os USA ai galera tentando dominar os pcs ahuaha

os mane acham que umsimples chip pode parar a porra
mesmo assim o que eu sei que acontecera se eles lancarem mesmo
como o manthrax mesmo disse usaremos amd pronto auhaa
ou alguem inventara um mod para burlar esse chip hehe

25. So a `Trusted Computer' is one that can break my security?

Now you've got it.

AHUAHUA animal manthrax valeu pelo texto ai

09-10-2002, 18:35:20
Uma imagem vale por mil palavras :

14-10-2002, 16:03:42
"For years, Bill Gates has dreamed of finding a way to make the Chinese pay for software: Palladium could be the answer to his prayer".
Que comédia...