View Full Version : Softwares que simulam o céu noturno (com estrelas, planetas, etc) em 3D

San Andreas
08-08-2010, 14:48:23



Céu de Brasília do dia 14 de Agosto de 2010 as 19h06


Céu do Rio de Janeiro do dia 25 de Fevereiro de 2011 as 20h00


San Andreas
08-08-2010, 14:49:10





San Andreas
08-08-2010, 14:50:13
Terrestrial planet size comparisons


Eclipse total do Sol visto da ISS - 29/03/2006


Poluição Luminosa: Céu noturno visto de uma região rural e de uma região urbana

A “mancha” na primeira imagem é a Via Láctea



08-08-2010, 14:56:06
Nossa velho... ver a via láctea ao vivo igual naquela primeira imagem ali deve ser um sonho... belo tópico :D

San Andreas
08-08-2010, 21:40:16
A “Terra Cheia” é 50 vezes mais brilhante que a “Lua Cheia”

Image Taking of "Full Earth-Rise" by HDTV

April 11, 2008 (JST)

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) successfully captured a movie of the "Full Earth-Rise"*1 using the onboard High Definition Television (HDTV) of the lunar explorer "KAGUYA " (SELENE) on April 6, 2008 (Japan Standard Time, JST, all the following dates and time are JST.) The KAGUYA is currently flying in a lunar orbit at an altitude of about 100 km.

An "Earth-rise," or the rising Earth over the Moon, was first captured by the Apollo project. The Earth rising image taken by the KAGUYA on November 7, 2007, was not a full Earth-rise (i.e. not all of the globe was seen in shining blue.) It missed some part. This time, a "full Earth-rise"*1 was taken by the onboard HDTV in faraway space, some 380,000 km away from the Earth. This is the world's first successful shooting of such a Full Earth-Rise. It was also very precious because it was one of only two chances in a year for the KAGUYA to capture a Full Earth-Rise when the orbits of the Moon, the Earth, the Sun and the KAGUYA are all lined up.

The shooting was performed by the KAGUYA's onboard HDTV for space use, which was developed by NHK. The movie data was received at JAXA, then processed by NHK.

*1 The phenomenon expressed as a "Full Earth-Rise" can be seen from a satellite that travels around the Moon such as the KAGUYA (SELENE) or the Apollo manned spacecraft. The Earth is almost stationary when it is observed from the Moon, thus a Full Earth-Rise coming out from the horizon cannot be seen from the Moon.


