View Full Version : Empacado em DarkStar One ! Uma ajuda please !

Dr. Host
25-10-2011, 17:55:33
Empaquei nesta parte das screens abaixo e naum to conseguindo entender direito oque fazer !

Link da screen: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991602546327/F666DCCFDA9FB7ADD2FBEF2C864392EC79398693/

Link da screen: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991602541591/5BA21C37A8371807FC4159048B1B3EB5E0951054/

Link da screen: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991602544226/5D0A210B6FB27175CA24EEF7FD7736D1C3B4AD6D/

Link da screen: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/594699991602539306/C964C5B457FC14DE3052225D941023B532082FC7/

Pelo oque entendi ew requerido e tenho que procurar o plasma resonance collerctor, mas naum to sabendo como fazer, e naum da pra sair deste sistema.
Alguem tem ideia ?

25-10-2011, 18:03:01
Do que está escrito lá no log, você tem que se encontrar primeiro com os homens desse tal de Mendo, aí sim você vai procurar esse PRC.

Não sei se é essa a missão aqui que você está fazendo, mas no faq (http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/930194-darkstar-one/faqs/50677) é o único local que está escrito plasma resonance collector.

Researching Research Stations

Head to the Sakaterin system and you will need to head to the Research
Station there. The Thul drones have already attacked the station and to
prevent any further attacks, they want a plasma resonator for the data that
you need. This is not good so far.

Fly to the Twekono system and you will have to speak to a person called
Mando. Again, in this universe, your lead wants you to help him so he can help
you. No charity in this universe is there? Anyway, he wants you to scan the
cargo ships belonging to one Basilus. Anyway, fly towards the cargo ships
and scan them at a distance about 1u away. Now that you know where they jump
after scanning both of them, we can fly there. Jump to the Schel system.

Fly towards the waypoint designated and you will have to destroy everything
there, the fighters, hunters and the containers. Yet, your job is not
finished yet. Jump to the Bogozan system and fly into the ice field. Fly
until the cargo ship is within your range. You are going to have to destroy
everything here as well, including a military satellite that isn't too
friendly with you.

Off we go again after that session of wanton destruction, and we are going to
have to face Basilius, as well as his 4 bodyguards. Once you have wiped him
off the face of the universe, you are going to have to fly back to Mando and
talk to him. He sends you to the Chernomen. Around here, there are 3
shipwrecks that you will have to search. You are going to have to look around
and you will find that it will be in the third wreck.

Scan all the wrecks till you find the one, and once you find it, pick up the
resonator. Hyperjump all the way back to the Sakaterin system and drop the
container about 0.5u away from the Research Container. In return for your
services, the Station will transmit the data that you want

Now, we have to go to the second station. This will be the Toscha Research
Station located in the Goronezh system. You are going to have to rescue the
hapless Raptor, Nicolai, from 3 waves of pirates sent by Bronis, the
powerful gunrunner. If he is so powerful, how are you able to defeat them so
easily? Anyway, once you have wiped out the fighters, you can dock on the
Research Station. Nicolai is the security officer of the station and because
you save his sorry ass, he will hand over the data that you need.

The third station is in the Permanja, and well, the Raptor won't hand it
over unless you help them out. They seem to have a problem with a gunrunner,
a traitor called Bronis. The same one as before. Anyway, contact the cruiser
Bogatir in the Permanja system and offer them your help to kill Bronis.
You have to fly into the planet, which will be your second non-space flying
mission. Fly into the weapons factory, and drop your speed to about 20% of
max because it will be tight in here.

There are a lot of turrets in here, so be careful. Basically, anything that
so much as to moves, shoot it, there are no friendlies in here. What you
need to do is to deactivate the four generators powering the base. This is
not an easy task. Head through the corridor, head into the left room, and
then keep heading right. You will be able to find the generator here.
Shoot the arms of the generator until it is deactivated. Basically, head
back to the main room and head through the recently unlocked doors. Be
careful, because on your way to the second generator, one of the rooms will
have a lock that will lock you in if you won't reach the end in 50 seconds.
This isn't easy because there are turrets point at you all the time.
Basically, you are going to have to save, shoot all the mines in the way
and afterburn your way past the turrets.

You are going to have to continue blowing up all the generators until you
can blow up the main generator. Once that is done, you are finished and
get the data that you need. That is the third piece of the puzzle.

The last piece of the puzzle will be in the Kil'ore system onboard
Muighal Research Station. Your good friend Nicolai says that the Research
station will provide you data if you take pictures of anomalies. There are
three systems with anomalies that Muighai wants photos of. Lets head to the
Abria'chan system first. Head towards the anomaly, and to take a photo of
it, you will need to approach the anomoly and about 1u away from the
anomaly, you will need to use the Scanner. Do this to this one. You don't want
to be taking too much time for one reason, the anomaly will eat your shields
and that isn't a good sign.

Hyperjump to the Ken'ore system and fly to the anomaly. You need to keep
your guard up because once you approach the anomaly, several pirates will
come up and decide to attack you. Not good. Blast them and quickly take the
photo and hyperjump to the Tezutiak system. Take the last photo that you
need and fly back to Muighal Research Station.

Now, you are going to have to face your first Flak Mission. This is not as
hard as people think. You will need to watch your energy for your turret
however. There will be several waves of Thul drones. Wait and keep an eye
on your radar. Normally, when they appear, they will appear as one shade of
red. Once that colour changes, shoot the drones. This is because, once they
change colour, they are within range of the turret. You have to be accurate
so you don't waste the energy of the Flak turret.

Now that everything is ready, you will need to meet a Terran by the name of
Captain Hornblower in the Ach'air system.

Dr. Host
25-10-2011, 18:09:54
Do que está escrito lá no log, você tem que se encontrar primeiro com os homens desse tal de Mendo, aí sim você vai procurar esse PRC.

Ew oque acotence, vou ate a nave dos dois, eles falam um monte coisa e depois me direcionam pra onde estao os 3 containers.
So que chegando la, creio eu, tenho que ter plasma resonance collerctor, mas naum acho em lugar nenhum, ja tentei destruir as naves "mortas" proximas (sao 3), ja destrui os destroços que sobraram e nada de achar este tal de plasma resonance collerctor.
E estaçao naum tem pra comprar tb. :/

25-10-2011, 18:22:34
Hm, nesse outro faq (http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/930194-darkstar-one/faqs/46259) (um pouco mais conciso) está escrito isso:

14. Wolodja Research Station (Sakaterin system)
The drones attack crippled the research facility and you`ll get the data in
exchange for one plasma resonator. Fly to Twekono and speak to Mendo about it.
Mendo want (of course, I scratch your back, you scratch mine !) a favor -
scan Basilius cargo ships to find out where they jump and sabotage them to lure
Basilius away. Leave and scan both from 0,7 - 1 v. Jump to Schel system, kill
at waypoint 4 fighters, 2 hunters and 3 containers, then jump to Bogozan. Head
to ice field until the cargo ship is in range and destroy all enemies plus a
military satellite. Go back, kill Basilius and 4 escort ship, speak with Mando
and leave to Chernomen. There lie around 3 military cruiser wrecks. The
plasma resonator is around the 3 wreck, just scan and pick it up. Jump to
Sakaterin, drop the container around 0,5 v from the research station and
receive the data.

Coloquei em negrito onde está essa parte sobre esse Basilius no post anterior também.

Dr. Host
25-10-2011, 19:08:21
Hm, nesse outro faq (http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/930194-darkstar-one/faqs/46259) (um pouco mais conciso) está escrito isso:

There lie around 3 military cruiser wrecks. The
plasma resonator is around the 3 wreck, just scan and pick it up. Jump to
Sakaterin, drop the container around 0,5 v from the research station and
receive the data.

Coloquei em negrito onde está essa parte sobre esse Basilius no post anterior também.

Tao pelo quis ai o plasma resonance collerctor esta no redor de uma das tres naves destruidas ?

Sid Vicious
25-10-2011, 19:17:02
Deixa o Fallen aparecer que suas dúvidas serão sanadas. Se tiver com pressa manda uma MP pra ele, ele curte esse joguinho ae. Se não me engano tem até uma review disso.

Dr. Host
25-10-2011, 19:34:03
Deixa o Fallen aparecer que suas dúvidas serão sanadas. Se tiver com pressa manda uma MP pra ele, ele curte esse joguinho ae. Se não me engano tem até uma review disso.

Pior que rodei varias vezes as naves la e nada de achar o negocio. :(

25-10-2011, 20:07:28
Velho eu to tentando lembrar dessa missão mas num lembro.. eu empaquei em uma que eu tinha q invadir uma estação lá que tinha um moonte de turrets por dentro era um puta labirinto, tu passou dessa já ??? qlqr coisa me manda teu save q eu vejo aki p/ tu

25-10-2011, 21:28:57
resolvido hehe =) era complicadinho mesmo !!!!

Dr. Host
25-10-2011, 21:42:24
Fallen ew o cara !! :sm22:
Uhuu !! :sm48:
Seguindo em frente now ! :)

Sid Vicious
25-10-2011, 22:11:25
Totalmente decepcionado com o Dr Host. Dar o save pra alguém passar é humilhante para um gamer, baixe sua cabeça de vergonha now!

25-10-2011, 22:47:58
Totalmente decepcionado com o Dr Host. Dar o save pra alguém passar é humilhante para um gamer, baixe sua cabeça de vergonha now!
nd a ver sid =) esse jogo requer muito inglês e o dr host tv empacada em algo que não requeria habilidade só que se não prestasse atenção no q os mercenários fala,m em ingles ficava dificil

Dr. Host
25-10-2011, 22:58:27
Totalmente decepcionado com o Dr Host. Dar o save pra alguém passar é humilhante para um gamer, baixe sua cabeça de vergonha now!

nd a ver sid =) esse jogo requer muito inglês e o dr host tv empacada em algo que não requeria habilidade só que se não prestasse atenção no q os mercenários fala,m em ingles ficava dificil

Vc devia esperimentar este jogo tb sid !
Se naum fosse Fallen e pelo Taturana acho que nunca ia conseguir passar desta parte.
Da uma olhada no mapa estrelar ...


E tem muito mais pra abrir ainda ! :)

25-10-2011, 23:20:25
sem contar que no steam é baratooo d+

Sid Vicious
25-10-2011, 23:28:13
Por conta dessa geração maldita descerebrada, acabei perdendo o costume de jogar jogos mais complexos de admin e RTS.

Comprei Shogun 2, Empire Total War e até hoje não tive coragem de ir pra frente nem no tutorial.

Dr. Host
02-11-2011, 17:41:57
Fechei o jogo ! uhu :sm22: :D