View Full Version : SimCity

07-03-2012, 15:59:46

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kztNWdhRdnw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Site oficial. (http://www.simcity.com/)

Eu vou chamar SimCity 5 mesmo por iniciativa própria, já que eles só colocaram como SimCity aí no trailer.

Constructible Worlds

Immersive 3D worlds and tactile interactions give you the power to shape the city you envision.
Customize buildings to unlock additional functionality and offer additional gameplay benefits.
Experiment and place buildings in different locations and watch how it affects your city.
Play with new enhanced design tools like curvy roads and zoning to create the city you always wanted.
Complete missions to unlock better buildings and create the most impressive city in your region.


Work together with friends to build a region for the first time! The cities in your friends’ region will directly interact with each other.
Want to be a good neighbor? Send fire trucks to help your friend in an emergency.
Want to be a bad neighbor? Produce mass pollution and watch your friends’ Sims become sick.
Team up to share resources and accomplish great feats like launching shuttles into space.
Participate in global challenges like lowering the total pollution output in the SimCity world to unlock a trophy to place in your city.
Check regional and global leaderboards to compare your city with your friends.
Every decision in your city and those in your friends’ cities will impact the greater SimCity world.

Specialize in What You Love

Create a unique city each time you play by specializing in a specific industry.
Build a casino resort and watch as your city becomes a major tourist attraction.
Invest in schools and become an educational enclave.
Or transform to a manufacturing powerhouse that fuels your region.
Watch as these specializations influence the look, feel and core personality of your city.

GlassBox Engine

SimCity introduces GlassBox, the revolutionary simulation technology that gives you the power to impact individual Sims lives, manage city level simulation, and balance multiple city simulations at once.
Now every Sim has a purpose in the SimCity world, a home to go to, a job to work at, even stores to shop in.
Experience city level simulations including power, water, traffic, unemployment, taxes and much more.
Within a region of cities, attract new Sims into your city, compete for precious resources, and protect your Sims against disasters.
It’s city planning at an epic scale!

http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/1408/constructibleworlds.png (http://img252.imageshack.us/i/constructibleworlds.png/)
http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/9465/overview2.png (http://img442.imageshack.us/i/overview2.png/)
http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8965/overview3.jpg (http://img833.imageshack.us/i/overview3.jpg/)

08-03-2012, 18:27:27
Apresentação de algumas coisas dessa engine GlassBox na GDC


E... http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/03/08/simcity-inside-the-glassbox-engine/

The previous SimCity games rely on relatively high-level statistics to tell us what’s going on–the pollution number goes up, so the happiness number goes down. GlassBox does the opposite. It simulates the little things–thousands of individual Sims–and lets the city mechanics emerge naturally. You won’t have to look at a spreadsheet or graph to identify a crisis, because you can watch it all happen in real-time. Pollution will taint the soil and thicken the atmosphere with smog, Sims will get sick and fill the hospitals, businesses will lose employees, and everyone will be really ticked off about the whole thing.

And, most importantly, everything you see and hear in GlassBox is really something happening in the simulation–it never creates ambiance for the sake of it. The jingle of a shop’s door is a Sim entering, and the sound of a cash register is a purchase being made. A power plant’s smoke puffs represent pollution entering the atmosphere, and the size of its coal pile represents its current supplies. When I saw all of this (and much more), happening at once, I really got the feeling that I was looking down at a tiny living world. So, wow. I think a bit of excitement for the project is justified, even at this early-ish stage of development.

Tudo muito bonito. Não acontecendo a mesma coisa que aconteceu com o Spore quando apresentaram ele inicialmente...

08-03-2012, 20:55:20
Será que agora vai? O 4 foi fenomenal, já o Societies...=(

09-03-2012, 00:56:27
O Societies...eu nem relei..ahuahhaua